Ch 27: Jimin

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I couldn't get him off my mind.

I was angry with Taehyung but at the same time I wanted to be with him.

I kept on replaying that video message in my head. His moaning, the way he looked like he was pleasure while sleeping, Minhyuk's ugly face popping out of the screen, mocking me. It sickened me to point where I just wanted to cut my eyes out and die.

"Jimin do you want to dance?" Jisoo asked as she rubbed my shoulder.

Prom sucked.

It was located in a night club at the boardwalk. It was decorated nicely but it didn't have that awesome feel like junior prom. Also the DJ kept on playing disgusting rap music and shitty techno. Maybe if I were in a better mood I might actually smile, let alone dance. 

"No thanks Jisoo. I really don't want to be here at all." I muttered.

"Jimin...I don't think he cheated on you. I mean did you really look at the video? Something was not right." She said as she rubbed my hand.

"I saw the video Jisoo. He looked like he enjoyed the pleasure that asshole gave him." I cringed. "I told him to stay away from him but no, he didn't listen to me. No one ever fucking listens to me." I said as I slammed my fist on the table.

Jisoo sighed deeply and got up. "C'mon you're making a scene. Let's go outside for some air." She said as she pulled me up.

I didn't hesitate to get up to leave. The music was giving me a head ache and I was in the mood to punch someone. 

We walked outside the club and immediately the nice cool air greeted me with a hug. I felt slightly relieved but still upset. Maybe I was jumping to conclusions too fast. Perhaps Minhyuk did do something to him.

I love Taehyung and I know he loves me. I at least I thought he did but I don't know what to think anymore since Minhyuk already fucked up everything.

I hated him so much.

I should have killed him with that soap dispenser

"Jimin let's go back inside and find Taehyung. I know he's in there looking for you. Go talk to him, and this time listen to him. I have a feeling he was telling the truth." Jisoo demanded.

Jisoo was right. I didn't let Taehyung speak because I was so blinded by my jealousy. Maybe I should just sit and listen. "Alright, let's go find him." I smiled.

"Thank god!" she huffed. "I hate it when you're mad. It breaks my heart to see you cry." She said.

"But it doesn't break mine." A sick voice erupted from the darkness.

As Jisoo and I turned to look, a hand shot out and punched Jisoo square in the face. She fell down hard and held her nose. I looked up to my horror and saw Minhyuk staring back at me. His smile was twisted and crooked and his nose had dried blood on it and there was a gash on his forehead.

Did Taehyung do that to him?

"M-Minhyuk-" my voice was caught in my throat as a fist went into my gut. I fell over, breathing hard, and landed next to Jisoo. She was still holding her nose and whimpering.

Minhyuk pulled me up by my hair, his twisted smile looked distorted through my tears. "I'm going to make this a night to remember...for me at least" he said as he reached into my pocket and took out my car keys. He then yanked my head back by my hair and slammed my face into the wooden rail of the board walk. Pain slapped me all over the face as my head whirled in circles and everything around me faded. 

Minhyuk then dragged me down the boardwalk and into the parking lot there he found my car.

"Please stop-"


Minhyuk slapped the words out of my mouth and shoved me inside the passenger side. I hit my head on the dash board as tears spilled from my eyes.



My phone began ringing. 

I picked up the phone and looked at a text from Taehyung.


I love you, I need you. Let's not fight. Let me explain. Where are you?

"I know a place for you, you little slut" Minhyuk spat as he got into the car. "And old pond, the perfect spot" he laughed as he revved the engine to life and drove out like a mad man.

I quickly sent Taehyung a text and put my phone away. 

I could already feel death at my feet. 

Jungkook I guess I'll see you soon

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