Chapter 21-Sleep

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Lisa's POV

Lauren soon became sleepy after her breakdown.

"Shhh, it's okay" I said, holding her tight against my chest, smoothening her hair, "Let's get you to bed huh?" She slowly nodded her head, her eyelids drooping low. I supported most of her weight as I got her onto the bed. I tucked her underneath the covers, and soon she was passed out. I looked down at her and felt so many emotions, but mainly intense anger at whoever the hell broke her. We really needed to tell the police about it, but how is she going to do that if she doesn't want to even open up to her own family?

I smiled sadly, at her sleeping figure. I bent down to kiss her forehead, it was slightly warm. I frowned, it was probably a just a small fever from the rain. I left the room, quietly shutting the door behind me. Halfway down the stairs, I hear keys rattling through the front door and then Christina, Kath, Amy and Dani enter. I can't help but glare at Dani as it's partly her fault for Lauren's condition.

"Where is she? Is she fine?" Christina asks frantically, walking towards me.

"Yeah, don't worry, she's just asleep." I answered quietly, "so keep it down." All of them seemed to visibly relax as they went to the living room and collapsed on the sofas, clearly exhausted from long hours of searching.

"I wonder where she got to?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, did she say anything, Lise" Dani asked. I ignored her and just looked at Amy while answering her question. I promised Lauren I wouldn't tell but now what was I supposed to say to them.

"I-I don't know" I stammered, "she was just really tired and fell asleep pretty much straight away when she got home." The girls looked confused but I think they bought it.

"Okay we'll just ask her when she wakes up." Kath said with Christina nodding in agreement.

"I'm gonna go back to sleep, it's only 10am which is way too early." Dani says, looking at her phone, "plus we were awake, most of the night."

"Just be quiet, when you go in, Laur's trying to sleep" I said quite rudely. Dani just looked confused and headed up the stairs. Amy and Katherine shared the couch and were already beginning to nod off. And Christina just lay back in the armchair, scrolling through her phone. She was always a morning person she probably wasn't tired.

"Hey, wanna watch a movie, seeing as we're not doing anything," I asked Christina.

"Yeah, sure" she replied. That's good I needed something to distract me from all of this. We headed up the stairs towards Kath, Amy and Christina's room. We stop in the hallway however, as mine, Dani's and Lauren's room door swings open.

"It's Lauren" Dani says, scared and teary eyed, "Something's wrong."


Dani's POV

Lisa had said to be quiet going into our room. She was kind of rude to be honest, oh well she was probably just tired like the rest of us. I entered our room and walked over towards the bunk bed, Lauren and I sleep in. I spotted Lauren in the bed, she looked really uncomfortable. I look closer to see beads of sweat across her forehead and a bright bruise on her cheek and a few cuts above her eyebrow. Her body seemed to be writhing in pain. I grew really worried. I reached forward and felt her forehead, immediately I pulled my hand back. She was burning up real bad. I shook her shoulders, saying her name but she wouldn't respond. Finally her eyes half opened looking dazed but just as quickly as they opened they began to close again.

"No Lauren, look at me" I said, worriedly "stay awake." But she'd already closed her eyes again. I quickly ran in to the hallway, searching for someone to help. I see Chris and Lisa heading towards the other room. They turn around upon hearing me.

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