Chapter 1

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Landing in Manhattan from St. Martin went much better than taking off from St. Martin several hours earlier; after hours of being fussy the babies immediately calmed down when Meryl nursed again which made her feel better. Don and Meryl had talked on the plane ride that they thought they would mind the snow on the ground that they knew was present in New York and the MUCH colder temperatures compared to St. Martin, but as Don and Meryl loaded their things and their babies and themselves in his SUV they looked at each other with a knowing smile-it was good to be home no matter what the temperature was. They both knew that no matter where they went for work, or where they lived, New York would always be special to them because it was where they met and fell in love and started their family. In some ways they felt like they were starting their family all over again with their oldest children grown and living their own lives and they were now raising babies all over again; so it felt nice to be doing it in New York where their story began. Where their story was continuing.

"You can just leave the bags there; thanks, Ross." Don said as he and their doorman carried their things to their penthouse door and Meryl was carrying pushing the babies in the stroller. Don smiled as he pulled out some cash and gave it to Ross, forcing the doorman to take it. Ross was their favorite doorman as he was always so helpful to them and took great care of their privacy and personal lives. They had heard stories that not all the doormen in New York were like that; and so they knew they were extremely lucky especially considering everything that had happen to them and their family in the past year. "Thanks for looking in on things; the girls will be bringing Birdie back tomorrow."

Meryl thanked Ross as he walked away and then she looked at Don. "I wish you would have let him help you carry everything inside; but I'll get these two settled and then will be able to help you."

"Hold on, Darl." Don stopped her from unlocking the door. "There's a reason why I didn't want him here; I wanted some moments alone with you before we go inside."

Meryl nodded as she turned to her husband and immediately reminded herself that he was still healing from the trauma he endured in a place they both considered to be their safe heaven; just as she knew she was still healing from what he and their babies endured. She had told herself all day long to slow down and take things at his pace whenever they got back home; that just because he was being typical Don, acting like all was okay, that he was still healing. She placed her hands on his cheeks and tenderly kissed his lips and looked deep into his eyes. "You okay, baby?"

"Because of you, our babies and family I am." Don said taking a shaky breath. "I just wanted to say that the man entering that apartment this afternoon is not the same man he was a week ago when he left to marry the love of his life all over again."

Meryl knew how much they had both grown closer to each other, and healed, during their time away. "Neither am I."

"I know I am still healing; I know we are still healing." Don acknowledged with a kiss to his wife's forehead as she nodded her head in agreement. "But, I am doing so damn well because of you and our family. I know our babies are doing so well because of you. Our WHOLE family is doing so well because of you. When I think about where all 4 of us were when we woke up in the hospital 3 weeks ago, or even where we were when we left this place a week ago, we are in a much different place now and that has to do with you-with your love and encouragement and your spirit."

Meryl shook her head as he wiped her tears away. "It's not all me, it's US. There is no way in hell I would be where I am if it weren't for you. You give all of us so much strength and love; much more than I think you even realize. I can't even begin to put in words how damn much I love you, Gummer."

"I love you too, Gummer." Don winked at her making her laugh. "I just wanted to say that to you before we walk through that door and officially begin our new lives together and with our family. I wanted to tell you that I know we can get through ANYTHING as long as we are walking together, hand in hand."

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