Chapter 35

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It was a day later and Don and Meryl were having a wonderful vacation in Vermont. They were keeping their cell phones off and just enjoying each other and their babies. They checked on the older kids everyday; but other than that they were trying to enjoy each and every moment with each other as well as Brady and Mags. They loved how Brady and Mags seemed to love the cold and snow just as much as they did the sand and sun. They enjoyed playing with the babies, relaxing, reading, eating, walking in the snow, cuddling by the fire, playing games and of course making love whenever they had the opportunity.


Don and Meryl were cuddled by the fire in the afternoon while the babies were sleeping and she was trying to show him new bedroom furniture she was looking at on her iPad; but he was more interested in kissing her neck. "Don, you're distracting me."

"Good." Don said as he increased the pressure of his kisses. "Why are we looking at bedroom furniture? Unless it's pictures of you naked on the bed then I'm not interested."

Meryl threw her head back and laughed. "Because it's not like we can just go into the store and buy something. We need some new bedroom furniture; and then we can give our old stuff to the kids. What about this one?"

"Great. Order it." Don said closing the cover on her iPad and pushed her down on the couch beneath him as his kisses became more and more insistent. "Can I please continue to seduce my wife?"

Meryl pushed him gently on the chest. "Don, you didn't really even look at it. It's going to be your bedroom furniture as well; I want you to be happy with it."

"Will there be a dresser, chest of drawers, nightstands and a bed?" Don asked as she nodded. "A way for me to tie you up?" His last question made Meryl blush as she nodded. "Then order whatever you want, Darl." Don said as his lips went back to her neck until she pushed him back again. "Baby, I trust you. If you think it will work and fits our box springs and mattress then it's fine with me. As long as you're in it then that's all I care about. Now, can I get back to what I was trying to do?"

"I love you and your horniness, Donald Gummer." Meryl pulled his head back to hers and mumbled into his mouth. "You may continue."

Just as Don was about to deepen his kisses, the landline phone in the cabin rang causing him to drop his head on her chest in defeat. "Are the sex gods against me today?"

"Patience there, tiger." Meryl laughed as she reached for the cordless phone, looking at the caller ID and seeing that it was Brad. "It's your father." Meryl said pushing Don off her, clicking the phone on and turning it on speaker. "Hi, Brad; I have you on speaker and Don is right here with me."

Brad was calling from his study at his house, also having the phone on speaker, but not knowing that his wife was standing at the door. "Hey, you two. How's Vermont?"

"It is wonderful." Meryl beamed at her husband as they both sat up on the couch. "How's it going there?"

Don was kind of surprised his father called them on the landline at the cabin; knowing that Brad had said he wouldn't bother them while on their vacation. "You doing alright, Dad?"

"I'm doing fine, son; enjoying a little break from chemo." Brad said making Don and Meryl laugh. "I am calling about your mother, only because I want you to know; not because I expect you to do anything or come out here at all. I respect your wishes; and completely understand. I also support you 1,000%."

Don took a deep breath as he responded to his father. "I know you do, Dad; and thank you. That really means so much to both of us. What's going on?"

"Your mom went to the ER this morning." Brad explained. "Her heart was beating very quickly but they were able to shock it back into rhythm and she is resting now."

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