Chapter 15

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Don was pushing the stroller down the ramp as he saw her get in the drivers side of the rental SUV, she had obviously arranged, and handed him the car key as the pilot loaded their things into the back of the SUV. "Thanks, Ray; we'll see you in a few days."

"Have a great time." Larry's pilot, Ray, smiled at them; he had come to really love the Gummers over the years he had the opportunity to be their pilot while he was employed by their good friend. "Just have Mr. Brown contact me if you decide to change the flight plan."

Don had buckled the babies' carries in the back of the SUV and turned to shake the pilot's hand. "Thanks for everything, Ray. We so appreciate you always being willing to fly us around."

"Don't fight me on this, please." Meryl said placing a few hundred dollar bills in the pilot's hand. "You helping me means more to me than I can tell you. Larry won't ever let me pay."

Ray shook his head; knowing better than to fight with his boss' friends. "I'm going to give this to someone who really needs it."

"Another reason why you're one of our favorites." Don said to the pilot as he patted his back. "Be safe; and we'll see you whenever my wife says."

Meryl laughed as they watched the pilot disappear into the plane and she turned to her husband as he pulled her close to his body. "I hope it was okay we came here. While I want the 4 of us to have time together; I also wanted you to have time with your parents. You take such amazing care of me; and I just wanted to do something for..."

"I love you." Don cut off what she was saying by pushing her up against the car and devouring her lips with his own. "Always putting me...first."

Meryl moaned at the sensation of his hard body pushed up against hers; their sexual tension had been building all day and she wanted it to explode like it usually did. She groaned in pure pleasure as she ran her fingers through his hair and wrapped her leg around his waist. " it."

"Hotel." Don groaned as he forced himself away from his wife but kept going back for kiss after kiss after kiss. "Us. Alone. Now."

Meryl winked at him as she handed him the keys. "I love it when you talk caveman to me."

"Get that cute ass in the car." Don smacked her ass as he followed her to the passenger's side of the rental car. "I'm driving?"

Meryl nodded as she handed him her phone. "Directions are pulled up on my phone; I didn't think you would let me drive seeing as the doctor hasn't released me for that. He did release me for other activities; thank God."

"Only if you feel up to it." Don said getting in the driver's seat and leaning over the console to attack her lips with his own once again. "I can't believe you did this for me; I mean I can, because it's you, but I think I have fallen in love with you all over again."

"You're easy." Meryl teased him and then got a serious look on her face as as she held his head in her hands. "You're my Don Man; I would do ANYTHING in the whole fucking world for you. Just as I know you would, and you have, do anything in the world for me. But right now, I would like for you to get us to the freaking hotel before I have my way with you right now."

Don smirked as he put the car in drive. "Not if I have my way with you first."

Meryl was glad the suite was just as she requested with baby bassinets in the bedroom. She knew Don had packed their baby monitors but she couldn't be bothered with that at the moment. All she could think about was feeling her husband; desperately needing him to feel her as well. As soon as they had pushed the babies' bassinets into the spare bedroom Meryl pulled Don out to the sitting room and practically jumped on him as soon as she quietly closed the door. "Come on, they're asleep."

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