Chapter 13

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Don and Meryl didn't get much time to just lay in bed together before the babies woke up and wanted to play; which neither of them minded. Don was also able to change into his sweats, like his wife, for an evening of relaxation; and was even able to get Meryl to have another snack. They were now sitting up in bed as Don had Margaret laying on his lap, just playing with her after she nursed, while Meryl was nursing Bradley with her head leaning against Don. She was running her finger around Brady's eyes and down the bridge of his nose. "How can he possibly think these babies aren't yours? I mean look at them. They have your coloring and facial features. Thank God that neither of them have my nose."

"He's a fucking bastard." Don then leaned over and kissed her nose. "Besides, I love your nose."

Meryl smiled tenderly at him as Bradley was finishing up nursing Brady and began changing him after she put herself back together. "Of course they're your creations; they are absolutely beautiful creations just like all of your works of art."

"Well, it helps that my co-creator is a perfect and beautiful creation herself." Don cupped her chin in his hand. "A beautiful creation that deserves to be treasured and treated with respect."

Meryl knew he was talking about what happened with Ben. "You always have treated me that way, sweetheart. It just pisses me the fuck off that people think I would cheat..."

"No one that matters." Don assured her as they picked up both babies and she leaned her head against his arm again. "I know, sweetheart; try not to think of him."

Meryl nodded as she took a deep breath. "Time with you and these two have helped. We should probably get downstairs."

"I'm glad." Don turned to her and cupped her cheek in his hand to get a good look at her. He could tell she really didn't feel well; and was worried about her doing the stairs. He had talked to Dr. Abbott when they first got home and he told Don to try to keep her down as much as possible for the next couple of days, especially because of the complications she had experienced, and to avoid stress as much as possible. "Baby, I was thinking. Let's have family night up here in the media room. I mean we have the table and the board games in there. We can connect with Lou through the TV. The seating is more comfortable."

Meryl looked at him surprised. "But the food and everything is downstairs. As much as I love you all I don't know if I'm up to making several trips up and down the stairs for drinks and stuff."

"That's why we are ordering out; and we have the mini bar and fridge in the media room." Don pointed out. "And that is EXACTLY why I want us to be up here; I don't want you to do the stairs. And for the record you will NOT be waiting on anyone. You will be parking that cute ass of yours on the leather sectional in the media room, with 3 babies on your lap, and you will be waited ON- you will NOT be waiting on anyone."

Meryl shook her head at her husband with a smile. "As amazing as that sounds, sweetheart; I don't want you to have to make that trip every time someone wants something."

"I won't." Don smirked at her. "I mean there has to be a reason we had all these children, right?"

Meryl laughed harder at her husband. "A family night in the media room it is."


Don and Meryl were having a great time in the media room with the kids and the 3 Gummer babies; both Don and Meryl loved seeing Mamie so happy. Don insisted Meryl lay on the sofa and he was sitting on the floor with his back against the sofa up by Meryl's head and the babies were laying on the floor beside him as Lily was busy crawling away and loving all the attention she was receiving. Meryl kept rubbing Don's shoulders or running her fingers through his hair as they all ate. While Meryl insisted that Mamie picked what they ordered for supper; and Don was glad that she chose Cafe Clementine which was a sandwich and soup shop because he hoped it would settle okay on Meryl's stomach knowing that she still wasn't eating a whole lot because of her nausea and he was worried about her losing any more weight as he felt like she had lost so much and quickly after the birth of the babies. While the kids were busy talking amongst themselves Don looked back at Meryl. "How's your chicken sandwich, Darl. Settling okay?"

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