Chapter 14

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Don and Meryl had a great time with the kids; and were thrilled when everyone decided to sleep over. Once it got late, Don and Meryl headed to bed; and Don was relieved when it was her idea because he knew how much rest she needed. It also told him that she was feeling really badly or else she wouldn't have suggested going to bed so early with all of the kids there and having so much fun. Meryl tried to tell Don he didn't need to continue to wake up every couple of hours to check on her, but Don insisted he would do that until Dr. Abbott said otherwise; and he tried to convince her that his body was used to getting up every few hours, as was hers, with the babies and that his body was also old so it would be waking up on it's own anyways.

Don quickly reached for his phone when his alarm went off the next morning at 6am and rolled over to gently kiss his wife awake. He smirked that she quickly increased the speed and depth of his kiss; telling him she was already awake. "You were already awake."

"Guilty." Meryl smiled as he carefully climbed on top of her and she ran her fingers through his hair. "I wish you would have slept longer, sweetheart."

Don cupped her cheek in the palm of his hand. "How's my girl feeling? Your pupils don't look that much better."

"My husband, the sweet talker." Meryl tried to tease but saw the serious look in her husband's eyes. "I don't have a headache this morning and I'm not light headed so that's an improvement."

Don sighed; the fact that he still had brain swelling from his car accident 3 months earlier told him that head trauma can take awhile to get over and he would do anything to make sure his wife got through her severe concussion just as soon as possible. "Baby, I'm not sure if this surprise trip is a good idea-I mean you flying and all."

"Sweetheart, I already arranged it with Larry to use his plane while you were showering last night; and he made the hotel arrangements and will have our hotel key in the rental care waiting for us at our destination." Meryl smiled at the shocked look on his face. "Everything is figured out. Baby, you have gone through hell; and I really want that for you, for us. I can sit on the plane like I can here."

Don climbed off her, not wanting to squash her, and laid down beside her facing her. "Have I told you yet today how much I love you?"

"I love you too, handsome." Meryl smiled as she accepted his kiss. "We're going?"

Don nodded as he ran his fingers through her hair. "As long as this is a relaxing trip for you."

"Oh baby, it will be." Meryl flirted with him as she laid her head down his shoulder and he held her close. "I'm so glad the kids stayed over last night; the night really was wonderful."

Don smiled with a kiss to her head. "It was; once we got over the latest scare from Miss. Louisa Jacobson Gummer."

"I think she took several years off our lives last night." Meryl said making her husband laugh and agree with her. "It's been awhile since they've all been here. Have they all slept over since the babies were born?"

Don was trying to think if they had and shook his head. "I don't think they have; all of our kids sleeping together under one roof. It didn't even happen at Christmas because Hen, Suzie and Lil were at Maggie and Mike's."

"That's true." Meryl said as she gave him another kiss before sitting up. "Then that means family breakfast so I better get to work."

Don noticed how when she tried to stand up she staggered just a little bit and pulled her back down to lay in bed with him and tucked her hair behind her ears. "Oh no you don't; you are still practically on bed rest. Dr. Abbott said he wanted you to stay down for a week or so and you haven't even been home from the hospital for 48 hours. I will cook breakfast. I will pack us for our trip. You will rest, play with our babies and nurse. I will handle baths. I will handle diaper changes. I will handle walking them up and down the halls." Don noticed the tears that appeared in her eyes and he didn't want to stress her out. "Baby, I'm not saying this to make you mad or be some chauvinist ass telling you what to do; I am doing it because I cannot take ANYTHING happening to you like it almost did the other night. I love you so damn much; and just want you to be okay."

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