Chapter 36

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"Okay, baby." Don said as he went and sat down on the floor next to her and the babies after they shared the piece of apple pie and the babies had woken up; giving her phone to her. "Here love, I dropped the pictures of the babies from their snow time photoshoots onto your iPhone from the MacBook."

Meryl sighed as she tried to know everything about everything; but in the area of technology she always needed help from her husband, which irritated her because she wanted to be an independent woman no matter how much a part of her he was. "Dropped the pictures?"

"I synced your phone to the MacBook through the wireless network." Don said as he showed her phone to her. "Just go to your photos app."

Meryl did as she was told and her face lit up. "There they are."

"Just like magic." Don winked as he pointed to the smartwatch she was wearing that he got her for Christmas. "Now, would you like to know how to put them on the face of your watch?"

Meryl took a deep breath. "We'll try this."

"It's not that hard; and you are the smartest woman I know." Don encouraged his wife with a wink. " Go to your watch app. There, then go to watch face."

Meryl put up her hand to stop him from saying anymore, she followed her instincts and bam. "That is like magic."

"See?" Don teased her. "You don't need me anymore."

Meryl winked at him as she tenderly kissed his lips. "I always need you."

"That's a damn good thing." Don wiggled his eyebrows at her. "I'm glad to hear it."

Meryl was about to reply when her phone rang and saw it was her publicist, Leslee. "I knew I shouldn't have turned on my phone; even for pictures of these cuties. Leslee is calling. We're on vacation. I'm on maternity leave."

"We're on parental leave." Don corrected her with a wink. "Go ahead and answer, sweetheart; you know Les, she wouldn't call unless it were really important. Maybe it's about the paparazzi attack? It's been about a week."

Meryl nodded as she answered knowing that was about the only thing it could be about "Hey, Les."

"Hey, Meryl." Leslee replied. "I'm sorry for bothering you, I know you need rest from your concussion and everything that happened. How are you feeling?"

Meryl knew she needed to be honest as Don could hear; and he gave her a look. "I'm much better than a week ago; we are actually on holiday with the babies. Dr. Abbott keeps checking on me by phone and from what Don and I report to him he said I still have a ways to go; that a concussion as severe as I have takes awhile to get over. But all the rest and relaxation we are getting is amazing medication."

"I'm sure it is." Leslee sighed. "Which is why I hate calling, but Anna Wintour called and they are really wanting the latest issue of Vogue to go to print as soon as possible; and they want the interview with you and pictures of you and the babies in it. We feel the quicker we can get ahead of the paps the best for you, Don and your family. She would like to interview you as soon as possible. She said she would come to you; tonight if need be."

Meryl gave Don a look as she shook her head, then wished she hadn't done that, causing her to put her hand up to her head. "I am not leaving where we are; and I don't want anyone to come here. This time is for Don and our youngest children. They have to share me too much."

"Baby, if you feel up to it you need to do this interview; it's to protect you and all of the kids." Don whispered to his wife. "Do it by phone."

Meryl knew he was right. "What if you have her call me tonight? I don't want extremely personal questions. Just what happened; and I basically guide the conversation."

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