Chapter 24

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Meryl was running her hand up and down Don's thigh as she kissed his neck. "Baby, I'm trying to drive."

"Well..." Meryl sucked on his ear. "I was hoping you'd drive into me."

Don took a deep, calming breath, as he looked at her quickly. "Oh baby, I will. I would just rather not drive us into a snow embankment or another car at the moment."

"Good point." Meryl laughed as she laid her head on his shoulder. "Thank you for tonight; it has been absolutely perfect."

Don kissed the top of his wife's head as he pulled into Mike and Maggie's driveway. "That's just the beginning..."

"I can't..." Meryl stopped what she was saying when she saw a familiar car in the driveway. "Don, is that...."

Don quickly parked the car and ran over to her side of the car helping her out. "My fucking mother!"

"Don, wait." Meryl whispered as she pulled Don back as she saw Maggie and Jane were starting to get into it. "Let's just see what happens."

Don shook his head. "Maybe we should call the police?"

"She hasn't gotten to them; and Maggie won't let her." Meryl said somewhat calmly and quietly. "Let's see how it plays out."

Don sighed as they listened to his honorary mother and his mother; with Maggie not budging an inch. "Jane, I said to get off our property before I have you arrested for trespassing."

"I think you're overreacting just a bit." Jane tried to stay calm. "Don called and asked me to pick up the babies; that is why I'm here. I would hardly call that trespassing."

Meryl kept a strong hold on her husband as they continued to watch the scene before them; and listened to Maggie's response. "Like hell he did. My adoptive son wants you NOWHERE near his wife and children; and after knowing you for as long as I have and hearing about the fucking things you said to Meryl then I don't blame him one bit. You are far from the doting mother and grandmother you pretend to be with all of Indianapolis."

"I might not be perfect." Jane got defensive. "But I am a hell of a lot better than that woman my son foolishly married."

Meryl pulled Don back as she shook her head. "Mags will take care of it, Don Man; it's okay."

"The way you have treated that AMAZING daughter-in-love of ours is abhorrent." Maggie railed. "She is the BEST thing to ever happen to our son; that's right, Jane...OUR son. Do you know why I have continued to be friends with you after all these years? Why I haven't severed this relationship no matter how toxic you are to that wonderful man and his family?"

Jane rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest. "This will be good. Because we have known each other forever?"

"No, because I wanted to remain a part of Don's life. I knew if I kicked you out of my life then you wouldn't let us around Donny any more no matter how good of friends he and Larry were." Maggie began not knowing her words brought tears to Meryl's eyes. "We wanted to remain a part of Don's life because we do consider him a son; and we were ready to swoop in and adopt him if the opportunity arose. Mike put up with that drunken ass you supposedly love so he could build a case against James and hopefully prosecute him for the way he treated Don. When in all reality, Jane Gummer, you weren't any better."

Jane just rolled her eyes. "Excuse me, I came to see my grandbabies."

"Like hell you are! You are not getting nowhere near them." Maggie said strongly. "Stay away from Don and Meryl; they love each other in a way you don't understand. Mike and I spent so many years telling Don how amazing it was to feel love and that he deserved it; he never understood until he met Meryl. And as for Meryl, she has exceeded all my dreams for a partner for Don. She would die for him and their children; and almost has many times. They didn't need this shit from the Gummers in the first place; and they really don't need it at all. Not at this point in their lives. Not when they are trying to enjoy each other and their youngest children along with their older children and granddaughter. Get off my property before I call the fucking police."

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