Chapter 28

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Don and Meryl went to nice a lunch with the babies at Cafe Patachou where Don's childhood friend, Jeff Hoover, was the owner. They were grateful that he always cleared a private space for them to eat in private; and he also tried to keep gawkers and fans away from them. Don wished Meryl would have had more than grilled cheese and tomato soup, and more of it, for lunch but was glad she could eat at all. After they enjoyed their lunch they went back to the hotel so Meryl could nurse; then Don and Meryl laid on the bed with the babies in-between them while the babies fell asleep. Don didn't sleep long before his phone woke him up and he confirmed plans with his cousin Stacey for that night. He then got up and made some needed phone calls and reservations for their trip. Once that was all done, he decided to send a text to his brothers letting them know they had come to town to see Jane and Brad but because of some hurtful things Jane had done that they were leaving; Don was afraid Jane would try to turn his brothers against his wife, like she had before. He simply told them that he didn't want his fundamental differences with their mother to affect their relationship; and thankfully he received nice messages back from them. Don hated to wake up his wife but he knew they needed to get ready; and the babies would need to nurse. Don walked back into the bedroom and smiled as he saw his wife sleeping on her side with her arm over both babies and the pillows around the babies he placed there so they wouldn't roll out of bed. Don first picked up Brady. "Come here, Brady Boo, let's put you in your bassinet." Don smiled as Brady snuggled up to his chest and he kissed his little bald head. "Your mama is right, you are a cuddle bug today. Now, let's hope I don't piss your baby sister off when I pick her up like the other Gummer woman get pissed off when they're woken up." Don laid Brady down and then went to pick up Mags as she immediately started to squirm; Don quickly bounced her up and down to keep her asleep. "Come on Maggie girl, don't get pissed off at Daddy. I promise to buy you a pony." Don laughed as Mags immediately went back to sleep as he laid her down and placed a kiss on her head. "Always worked with your sisters as well; now, let's see if I'm successful at waking Mommy without pissing her off." Don went over to the bed, moving the extra pillows out of the way and climbed into bed next to his wife. He smiled that his color seemed better than it had been since all the shit started; and she was sleeping so soundly he hated to wake her up. He pushed her hair off her beautiful face and gently pressed his lips against her cheek. "Baby, wake up."

"Mmmmm...." Meryl stirred awake as she immediately recognized the lips placing kisses all over her face and the hands caressing her tired body. "Don't stop."

Don smiled that she was waking up relaxed just like he wanted. "We need to get ready for dinner with Stace, Darl."

"Oh...hi." Meryl smiled as she placed her hands on her husband's handsome face and pressed her lips to his; looking towards the windows and immediately noticing it was dark outside. "Wow, how long have we been asleep?"

Don smiled as he showed her the time on his phone. "Several hours; I moved the babies to their bassinets thinking if they stayed asleep we could get ready easier."

"True." Meryl smiled as she sat up and looked around noticing how everything was picked up. "Did you clean? Didn't you sleep?"

Don shook his head as he smiled at her. "I wanted you to rest; and I wanted to get us ready for our trip of relaxation. Reservations have been made; and Ray will be here with Larry's plane tomorrow. We're pretty much packed."

"You are perfect." Meryl tenderly kissed his lips. "You doing okay?"

Don knew she was just as worried about him with everything going on with his mother; as he was about her. "I promise; I texted my brothers hoping to get to them before Mom and I did. They understand and everything is fine with us."

"I'm so glad." Meryl sighed in relief as her stomach growled. "I guess I am ready for dinner with Stace."

Don smiled as he got out of bed and pulled her with him. "Good; how's my girl feeling?"

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