Chapter 5

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"Great, thanks Hal. You'll be waiting for her at the private entrance? Okay, we'll be there in just a few minutes hopefully. Bye." Don ended the call on his car's bluetooth screen; and then reached his free hand back to hold his wife's while the other steered his car through Manhattan traffic. "Okay baby, he has an examination room ready for you and is going to be waiting for us so that I can park the car; and then I will get our babies and we will be in to you just as soon as possible."

Meryl looked into the baby carriers she was sitting next to in the back of Don's car as he drove; and then lifted the hand that was holding hers up to her lips. "Sweetheart, I really am fine."

"Your eyes tell me otherwise; as does the gash on your head." Don said as he looked back at his wife through the rear view mirror. "You have a headache don't you?"

Meryl couldn't help but chuckle at her husband; she never could get anything past him. "And how do you know that?"

"Don't forget that I know you better than I know myself." Don winked back at her. "How's your vision?"

Meryl rubbed his neck as she saw him pull into the back parking lot of the hospital. "It's really fine. Not fuzzy. I do have a headache and have been a little light headed from time to time but not even close to the point of passing out."

"Looks like Hal is waiting for you; thank you for coming." Don put the car in park and quickly hopped out going open the door for her and helping her out, placing a tender kiss on her forehead. "Come on, let's get you checked out."

Meryl smiled at Dr. Abbott as Don led her to the wheelchair in front of Dr. Abbott. "Thanks for everything, Hal; but I really don't think a wheelchair is necessary."

"Don't let her fool you, Doc." Don winked with a kiss to her cheek. "She has a headache and just admitted to being light headed from time to time."

Dr. Abbott smiled at Don. "I have the room set up; we will take good care of her."

"All private, right?" Don asked as Dr. Abbott nodded. "No paps? No one will know she's here?"

Dr. Abbott patted Meryl's shoulder. "I promise. We will take good care of her."

"You're coming right back." Meryl said grabbing Don's hand. "Right? You and the babies are going to come back to the examination room?"

Dr. Abbott laughed at Meryl's question. "Not even the National Guard could keep this man away from you."

"Damn straight." Don winked at Meryl as he kissed her lips. "I want Hal to get you right in there so no one see you. I am just going to park the car, grab our babies and I'll be right in with you. We will be right in with you. I love you."

Meryl kissed his hand. "I love you too; see you soon."

"We'll see you soon, Don." Dr. Abbott said as he began to push Meryl inside. "Exam room 20."

Don nodded as he smiled at Meryl. "We'll be right there." Don watched until he knew Meryl was safely inside and walked around to his car door. "Those fucking paparazzis. They are gonna pay."


"There's our girl." Don tried to smile at his wife as he walked into her examination room in the Emergency Department of the hospital as he was pushing their babies in the stroller. "How are you doing, Darl?"

Meryl smiled tenderly as she held out her arms. "Ready to hold my babies. You only dropped me off 5 minutes ago, Don Man. I'm still fine, really."

"I just want to make sure." Don said with a kiss to her lips and he began to get the babies out of their seats, handing them over to their mother. He had so much anger at what happened to his wife; but he was trying to push it down deep inside. Not wanting to upset her; especially since they didn't know how badly she was injured. He knew she kept saying she was fine; but he felt otherwise. "Here they are, Darl. They woke up when I was transferring their seats."

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