Chapter 51

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Meryl stirred awake the next morning when she heard coos coming from the cribs in the corner of her bedroom; a smile immediately coming to her face that the babies must have woken up happy. She was surprised when she looked at the clock and it was almost 8 in the morning; she couldn't believe they had let her sleep so long, and she was also surprised that her husband was no longer in bed with her. As she swung her legs over the side of the bed, she could tell she was still feeling crappy and was looking forward to a relaxing day with her husband and youngest children; or at least she hoped it would be that way. Her heart jumped in happiness then both babies squealed and smiled when they saw her. "Mommy's little love bugs are awake; and so happy this morning. Looks like Daddy dressed you."

"And why do you say that?" Don said walking up behind her, wrapping his arms around her as they both talked to and made faces at their babies. "Smart ass."

Meryl laughed at her husband. "First of all, they are no longer in their pajamas we put them in." Mags was wearing a white onesie that said the snuggle is real with a gold heart on it and matching sweatpants and socks; while Brady was wearing a white onesie that said worth the wait with an arrow along with matching sweatpants and socks. "And when you dress them you always put them in those funny onesies the kids bought for them."

"Well, he was worth the wait." Don said as he picked Brady up and handed him to his mother; then he picked Mags kissing her head. "And my girl here is quite the snuggler,"

Meryl winked at him as she went to sit on the bed with Brady. "Runs in the family; both her mommy and daddy like to snuggle."

"Yes, we do." Don said as he sat next to her and gently kissed her lips. "I haven't gotten to give you a good morning kiss yet."

Meryl placed a longer kiss on his lips. "I think you just did; good morning, handsome."

"Good morning, beautiful." Don cupped her cheek in her free hand. "How are you feeling?"

Meryl sighed dramatically. "Just peachy!"

"Hmmm...." Don examined her with his own eyes and could tell how crappy she was feeling. "That great, huh?"

Meryl nodded with a laugh. "Thank you for letting me sleep and getting these two changed, but I would have done it."

"That's why you have a partner, to carry the load." Don pointed out to her with a smile. "They just sort of woke up cooing, happy, and haven't acted hungry. So I figured that as long as they didn't need what I don't have, then I could entertain them."

It didn't matter how long they had been parenting together; for some reason, it always amazed Meryl at how attentive her husband was not only to their babies but to her as well. "Best daddy and husband. Thank you. I think he's getting hungry, though."

"He's sure rooting around." Don laughed as he helped her get back in bed so she could start to nurse Brady; and he sat right beside her with Mags as she nursed Brady, just like always. "Once they eat then I can make breakfast; all you have to do is lay in bed with these two today."

Meryl turned her head to smirk at her husband. "And you?"

"Goes without saying." Don said with a kiss to her head as she leaned it against his arm; he could tell how much this concussion was getting her down. "Baby, Hal really wants you to stay down."

Meryl nodded as she turned her husband to look up at him. "I meant what I said last night, if me staying down means I heal then I will do that; because that means I get to treasure so much more time with you and the kids."

"That's wise; and very not stubborn, unlike you." Don said making her laugh. "What have you done with my wife?"

Meryl rolled her eyes at her husband with a chuckle. "Very funny. As much as I hate so much is falling on you...again..."

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