Chapter 27

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When Don, Meryl and Brad arrived at the cancer center they learned that only one person could be back with Brad at once; and because the babies were so young they couldn't go back at all. Brad felt awful that he asked them to take him to his appointment and they couldn't all go back with him; but Meryl assured him it was fine  that she would just relax in a waiting room with the babies. Don also felt bad that his wife came along just to sit in a waiting room, thinking she would have been more comfortable at the hotel or at Mike and Maggie's house but she assured him it would be fine. Luckily, there was a private waiting room she could wait in, that was very comfortable, and she even thought that would be better so she wouldn't draw attention to herself; not wanting to detract from the really important people at the center, the patients.


Meryl was sitting on the floor in the waiting room playing with the babies. "Show me those Gummer smiles; where are they? Show 'em to Mama. There we go! Brady you have that impish smile just like your daddy; and you Maggie girl have the Streep smile. Thank God you don't have my nose."

"If Bradley has Don's smile you better watch out." Don's cousin stacey smiled as she walked in the room. "The women love that smile."

Meryl started to get up to hug Stacey; but instead she joined Meryl on the floor with the babies and the two women hugged. "Don't I know it. What are you doing here?"

"I just came by to check on Brad and saw you were in here." Stacey smiled at Meryl. "I had no idea you 4 were in town. I assume Don is here?"

Meryl nodded with a laugh. "Of course he is. He and I brought Brad today; and we couldn't both go back, neither could the babies, so he is back there with him."

"Yeah, with cold and flu season I know they're restricting visitors here and at the hospitals." Stacey said looking around. "Where's Jane?"

Meryl took a deep breath. "Well, if my husband has his way I am not sure if she and I will ever be alone in a room together again."

"What did my aunt do now?" Stacey shook her head as she heard her friend and cousin's wife recount everything that had happened in the last 24 hours. "My aunt really is a bitch; I love her, but she can sure be difficult."

Meryl couldn't help but laugh as she wiped away her tears while and and Stacey played with the babies. "Let's see... I've heard my husband say that over and over, then Maggie and then Mike and now you."

"Then you know it's the truth." Stacey said strongly. "Seriously Meryl, you are one of the most loving and gracious and compassionate people I know. You and my cousin were absolutely made for each other. You just fit. I can't even begin to tell you how much happier he was when he met you and every day since; you saved his life when he walked into that screening room."

Meryl nodded as she smiled through her tears. "And he has saved mine every day since; thanks, Stace. So, now you know everything that's happened. I was hoping for Don's sake we would stay longer; but he wants to leave tomorrow."

"It was such a lovely surprise you planned for him." Stacey said to Meryl. "However, I agree with my big cousin."

Meryl threw her head back and laughed; aside from his Grandpa Gummer, Stacey had always been Don's family member he was the closest to. "Of course you do. I'm glad I got to see you, if only for a few minutes; I know Don will be thrilled when he sees you."

"I'm glad you  are in town." There had been something Stacey wanted to talk to them about. "Could the 5 of us meet for dinner and catch up? Even though I know it's only been a month."

Meryl knew Don wouldn't mind. "Yes, of course. What about that hubby of yours?"

"He's working." Stacey said quickly as she laid Brady back down on the blanket on the floor. "Don and I will figure out time and place. I actually need to check on some other patients then will check on Brad; see you all tonight."

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