Chapter 49

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Don reached over looking at the ringing telephone, then showing it to her. "It's Mary."

"Not in here." Meryl nodded towards the bonus room; signaling they should go in there. "I don't want to wake the babies; Lord knows they have felt enough tension for their little lives."

Don nodded as he turned the phone on, but didn't answer until they closed the door of the bonus room and he pulled Meryl to sit down on his lap as he sat down first in the large overstuffed chair. "Hey, Mary; you have me and Meryl on speaker phone."

"Hey, guys." Mary Streep responded on the other end of the phone, tiredly. "I am sorry for calling so late."

Meryl shook her head as she tried to take a calming breath while running her fingers through her hair. "It's alright; we just wanted to move into the other room so we didn't wake up the babies with our conversation. I told you I wanted to be updated."

"We both did." Don added as he held his wife close; hating that she had to go through this. "Is the surgery over?"

Mary nodded even though she knew her sister and brother-in-law couldn't see that. "It is. I haven't seen him yet; he is in recovery. The surgeon removed several tumors from his brain and they feel confident they have cleared the margins."

"Well, that is good." Meryl breathed a sigh of relief as she blinked past her tears. "I assume they won't know if these tumors are the reason for him being the way he has been?"

Mary shook her head as she too was blinking past her tears. "We won't know until he comes to. He will need physical therapy as well as undergo a psychological evaluation. They want to admit him as a patient in the Psych unit once he's a little better from the surgery so they can watch him."

"Well, that's good." Don said with a kiss to his wife's head. "It sounds like they are doing everything for him that they can."

Meryl looked at her husband with a teary smile; knowing how he was always trying to find the best in every situation. "That is good. Mary, I won't be back up. I really need to take care of myself and my family, and this concussion is kicking my ass. I need to rest and heal so I can be around for my husband and my children, and I can't risk another setback."

"I agree," Mary told her sister-in-law. "You can't. Meryl, no one expects you up here; especially not after what he has done to you, Don and your family. I want you to do what is best for you all."

Meryl looked at her husband who has been pretty quiet. "Don Man, what do you think?"

"I think you need to do whatever is best for you, Darl." Don said in his soft and reassuring voice. "I will support you in whatever you decide; I only want what is best for you."

Meryl kissed her husband's cheek; that was something she didn't doubt for one minute. "Mary, please keep us updated; but that is as far as my involvement will go. If everything that has happened is because of the tumors; then that really needs to be proven to me. I feel like I can do all I can for my little brother. The ball is now in his court. It is up to him. I can't put myself or my family at risk anymore."

"I completely understand, Meryl." Mary assured Meryl. "I want you to know that I support you in whatever you decide as well."

Meryl nodded sadly as she felt the exhaustion begin to take over her body again. "I want you to know that I am always here for you and the kids; that will never change. I can love my brother while not allowing him to hurt me or my family ever again."

"We both are here for you and the kids." Don spoke up as continued to hold his wife close. "Whatever we can do."

Mary had a feeling that she and Dana wouldn't be able to repair their marriage, but one thing she knew was that the Gummers would always be family to her. "I appreciate that so much; as will the kids. Now, it's late and you two have had a long day. Get some rest, kiss my youngest niece and nephew for me and we'll talk later."

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