Chapter 40

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The next morning Meryl woke up, and she felt like her whole body hurt; as she woke up further she realized she was just absolutely worn out. She sighed, guessing that it was because of the damn concussion. She knew her husband wanted her to rest more; but she was sick and tired of having to do that. She didn't want Don to know that she was feeling bad because she was afraid he would blame himself and his mother because she didn't rest the day before; and she didn't want that, she was right where she wanted to be the day before-with and there for her husband. She thought maybe if she got up and moved around she would feel better before he woke up. As she got out of bed she smiled that he immediately snuggled up to her pillow; and she kissed his lips, causing them to curl up in a smile a bit and he stirred. "Go back to sleep, baby. I'm going to go downstairs and fix some tea; and coffee for you."

"You okay?" Don mumbled in his sleep. "Don't do...much."

Meryl smiled that even in his sleep that he was still looking out for her; and she couldn't resist kissing him again. "I won't; get some more sleep. Babies are still sleeping." Once Meryl saw that her husband went back to sleep, she grabbed her robe as she went to check on her sleeping babies. She stood at their cribs for awhile, watching them sleep thinking how much older they looked sleeping in cribs, and then she pressed her fingers to her lips before pressing them to the babies heads. "Get some more sleep, my loves." Meryl took a deep breath as she felt dizzy. "This will pass. This will pass."

Meryl had started the coffee pot for Don's coffee; and had just fixed her hot tea when she heard their doorbell ring. She couldn't imagine who it was; as it wasn't even 8 in the morning yet. She wrapped her robe around her, tying it, when she saw who was at the door through the peep hole she was shocked and immediately opened the door. "Brad? Jane?"

"Ross said Don took me off the do not allow list." Jane said pushing past Meryl and walking into the penthouse. "We brought juice and bagels."

Brad noticed the stunned look on Meryl's face. "I hope we didn't wake you up; we just knew you two were usually up early with the babies. If it's a bad time we can of course leave. We do NOT want to be an imposition."

"No, no, it's fine." Meryl lied; the last thing in the world she wanted was for things to take a step back with Jane. She felt awful but she wasn't going to tell them they couldn't be there; they were Don's parents after all. She also knew that she needed to find a way to tell Don they just stopped by. "Please, come in. I just started the coffee for Don; and made some hot tea for myself. He and the babies are still asleep. Come get comfortable in the den and I will go get them."

Brad noticed how slowly Meryl was walking. "Honey, are you sure this isn't too much?"

"No, of course not." Meryl said leading her in-laws into the den and turning the lights on. "The coffee isn't ready yet; but please make yourselves at home in here. I'll be back with Don and the babies. Can I get you anything before I go up there?"

Brad shook his head, stopping Jane before she said anything. "We are just fine, honey; and I know where things are if we need anything. Is it okay if I get it?"

"Yes, of course." Meryl smiled warmly at Brad; knowing what he was doing, he was making it clear that he wasn't going to let Jane just get stuff out in Meryl's home. "We'll be back."


"Baby, wake up." Meryl said softly as she placed soft kisses on Don's face; and ran her fingers through his hair. "We have visitors downstairs."

Don shook his head as he reached for his wife. "Tell them to go away; and you come back to my bed."

"I wish." Meryl laughed at her husband. "Your parents are downstairs."

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