Chapter Eighteen - Buzzcut Season

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Chapter Eighteen-

        I walk into Envy, the sound of blowdryers and clippers enter my ears and a teenage girl with long, straight platinum blonde hair that touched the bottom of her hips looks at me curiously, "How may I help you, sir?" She asks, smiling genuinely. Her pale blue, mascara coated eyes glimmer in the salon lights.

        "Oh yeah," I smile, "I'm here for an interview with.." I check the name on the little slip of paper one of the citizens gave to me, "Um... Valentina?" I say.

The girl chuckles, "Ohhh! You're the Illinois boy! Valentina is in her office. Just walk straight down the salon and to the right." She holds out her hand, "By the way, I'm Lucy." Her lipglossed lips form into a smile.

        "Jerry, and thanks." I smile back and shake her hand, "I hope I get to work with you."

        "Me too!" She smiles broader, "Me too! Welcome to Envy."

        I walk straight down the salon and to the right. I knock on the door gently and a nice young woman opens the door. She has olive skin and braided chocolate-brown colored hair. I put together the name and her apperance and I gather up that she's Italian. "Hi, I'm Jerry. Thank you for having me." I smile and hold out my hand.

        "No problem." She smiles and shakes it, she has a thick Italian accent I could barely understand her. But as we talked we started to warm up and I was able to understand her better than I did before.

        "Do you have any uh.. expirence with dying and cutting hair?" She asks me, crossing her legs and propping her hands on her knee. 

        "Yes ma'am, I've been dying my hair for about a year now, I've dyed my friends hair, and I've cutted my hair and my sister's hair before." I respond, smiling.

        "That's splendid, terrific." She writes that down on a little note pad and she hands me a contract and a pen, "I would like for you to sign here..." She points to a spot on the paper with a long red fingernail and I sign in gracefully. "You are now employed at Envy's... you can start today if you want. I'll have you do some walk-ins. Your station is the last one on the right. The hair dye supplies is in the backroom, feel free to use any of it on yourself for two credits." She smiles.

        "Thank you!" I say. I get up and exit the room. I walk down the long hall and set up my station. I've done two people's hair already.

        One woman wanted a short platinum blonde bob, to which she was utterly suprised and tipped me three credits, (Which is amazing). And one guy who wanted a trim who also admired his haircut. He tipped me one credit. Then a familiar face walks in, Jane. She smiles and talks to Lucy for a moment, then walks over to my station and sits in the salon chair, I giggle and put a cape over her to make sure no hair gets on her clothes, "Hey Jane, What's up!" I say.

        "Hey buddy! So... I was thinking.." She smiles.

        "Yes?" I raise a brow questioningly.

        "Well... You know what... I need to get rid of this hair... right now. If a walker sneaks into this joint i'll have a way better chance of survival if I just chop it all off... so.. can you just give me pixie cut?" She smiles at me.

I cross my arms, "Are you sure? I don't want you to do anything you'll regret."

        "Positive. Chop it off." She smirks.

        "Fine then.." I snicker and put her long locks in a pony tail, then I take my clippers and chop off all of her hair to about shoulder length, "I could stop here if you want.. are you sure you want me to proceed?" I smile.

        "Positive." She chuckles.

        I plug in my razor and start shaving. Each lock of hair falls to the floor. The pile grows larger with each sweep of my razor on her head. And I finally finish. I brush off her face with my duster thingy and I take off her cape. Her hair is about one inch and she admires it in the mirror, running her fingers through it. "It looks fucking amazing." Her jaw drops open and she smiles wide.

        "You can pull it off." I grin.

She hugs me tightly, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

        "No problem." I smile, "Can you tell Austin I'm going to be working for another two hours. I haven't told him yet but I'll be home soon for my lunch break."

        "Of course buddy. I have to cook Jamie dinner anyways." She tips me two credits, "See you around!" she says.

        "See ya!" I say as she walks out of Envy.

Lucy comes up to me beaming, "You're so good at this!" She smiles.

        "Thanks, Lucy. I just really wanna impress Valentina."

        "You're doing great, Valentina isn't really that hard to impress, just do your job and you'll do great." She puts her hair up in a high ponytail and winks friendly as she walks back to the front desk.

        After I work I finally get to go home and cuddle up in Austin's arms. He holds me so tightly as if I'm a stuffed animal and I hold him just the same. Crawford's better than I expected.


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