Chapter TwentyEight - Happy Holidays

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Chapter TwentyEight-

        -December, 25, 2014 - 7 Months In-

        "Where exactly is this map taking us?" Austin frustradedly reads the map, then looks up into the icey blizzard, a tar road beneath our feet, I adjust my backpack and shift my weight onto my right leg. The both of us are starving, and we've run out of food a week back. The trees howl in the night and a crow swoops down and runs into the sign of a gas station to the left of us. Shivering, we make our way to the doors, "M- Maybe.. Jane and J- Jamie are in there?" I imply to Austin, looking at him innocently.

        "Fuck that! Do you really fucking think they will be in there!?" Austin yells at me.

        "Shut the fuck up, douche bag. They could be suffering the same things we are. Plus, you're going to draw every walker from miles if you keep up your damn complaining." I snap back at him. The cold has taken a toll on our relationship, I feel us cracking. I don't like it, but there's nothing I can do. It may just be Jack Frost taking over, but I don't know at this point.

Austin glares at me for a second, opening the Shell gas station door, then slamming it shut before I can walk in, I see him studying the aisles closely, looking for survivors. I open the door myself, angry.

        "Look, arguing about shit isn't going to fucking help either of us right now, so let's just shut the fuck up and keep to ourselves for a while." Austin says as I walk into the threshold.

        "If you weren't sexy as fuck, I probably would punch you right now." I reply, then take off my light coat, placing it on the check out counter. "Let's just see if we can find anything of use in here.." I rub my temples softly, and push my black bangs out of my face by tucking them into my grey beanie.

        "Yeah... you're right... okay." Austin agrees. He takes two water bottles and hands one to me. "I'm sorry." Austin hugs me softly, I put my head to his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat.

        "It's okay.. we just.. I just need to get to Jane. I don't even know who's left of my friends anymore at this point.. We should be lucky we made it out." I kiss his cheek softly and let go of him, "Let's just... get some shit and leave." I say, "I'm starving."

        We break grasps and I search the aisles, I look for energy drinks, and Vitamins, which are key at keeping the nutrience and energy we need at this point. And water. I'm luckily able to find a pack of Monster and I unload them into my backpack, handling them with care to make sure they don't explode on me, then the calcium vites and water bottles, then I grab some milky way bars for sugar, and some canned goods. My bag feels as if it's twenty pounds on my back, damn it's heavy. I rest it back on the counter and sigh. "Austin.. I got-" I turn back from the counter to go follow him, but instead he's standing behind me, a gun pointed to the back of my skull, "What the fuck." I push the gun away, it falls out of his hand and slides to the other side of the room. I take out my knife, pressing the metallic button to let out the sharp yet rusted blade. I swing at him. Slicing into the top of his arm and kicking his chest, pushing him back into the canned goods aisle, he falls to the ground and a can of spam hits the top of his head. He shrieks in pain and reaches for his knife. I kick his hand away.

        "What the fuck were you doing!?" I yell at him, a river of blood streams out of his wound. He kicks his leg towards my foot and trips me, I land on my back and I groan, he gets ontop of me. His muscualar arm pushing my neck to the ground, slowly strangling air out of my lungs. I stab his back with my knife and he loosens his grip on me, screaming in extreme pain. I gasp for air as I stand back up. Looking for my next move. I go over to reach for his gun, "How did you fucking like that, being stabbed in the damn back, kinda like what you just fucking did to me." I scream at him. He grabs my arms and flings me across the room, I hit my head on the door frame, and black dots start to cloud my vision. Then I feel his thick frame ontop of me again. I struggle to get him off of me, wheezing as I feel my lungs failing to circulate air. Then I hear a sound, a particular sound I've heard before. I feel Austin's grip loosen on me and behind him I'm able to make out the silouhette of a teenage guy,         "Merry Christmas.." He says to me, offering me his hand.

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