Chapter TwentyThree - Remember The Saltlicks

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-November, 23, 2014 - 6 Months In-

        "You guys the streets are flooded with walkers... we have to get to the countryside soon.. or else we're gonna become one of those... things." Lilly replies to our arguement, "Those Crawford people aren't looking for you anymore... it's been four months now you guys.. I'm suprised we're still alive. And Jerry, I want you to make it to your fourteenth birthday.. It's in four days now." She adresses.

        "We understand Lilly, but I don't know if we can do that just yet... Crawford is dangerous... I don't want to go there with barely any ammo and risk my life, but we can't loose hope yet, there's that gun and ammo shop down the road from here... maybe we can sneak there in time and get settled in for a while. Yes, the countryside is always an option.. but a lot of people could have thought the same thing and died up there as well, and if they did they we would be in an open area, and I don't want to risk Austin, or your life trying to take chances." I reply.

        "Jerry's right Lilly.. I don't want anyone to die... our group is small... but I don't want it to get any smaller than what it is right now. I definently don't want it to parish. We all know our time is going to come... but I don't want it to be yet." Austin hugs me from behind. I clutch onto my little automatic pistol and hold his arm gently.

        "Okay... have it your way." Lilly raises up her arm and gives a stern look to the ground. "Fine.." She seperates herself from us and walks to the other side of the hotel roof.

        "I'll go talk to her..." I say to Austin, "Be right back..." I sigh and roll my eyes gently, getting up from my spot and taking the walk over to Lilly. Lilly and I have grown somewhat of a friendship over the past few months, and I don't wanna face it but Lilly and I are a lot alike... we want things done our way and we get stressed under a lot of pressure. Her face is in her hands and her hands are propped against her knees, she rubs her temples gently and sighs, letting her palms rest onto her thighs.

        "It's happened before." She looks straight ahead, avoiding any eye contact with me.

I raise a brow, "What's happened?" I ask.

        "We stayed in a place too long... and... it turned to shit." She shakes her head and furrows her brows.

        "What are you talking about?" I ask.        

Lilly sighs, "Myself, my Dad, this guy Lee, Kenny, Katjaa, their son Duck, Car-...., a little girl named Clementine.., some others... are 'safe haven' was given to the dead... so we went to this Motor Inn... it was all good... After my dad died from some fucking cannibles, Kenny and Lee kept telling me it wasn't safe anymore... we were going to die if we didn't leave. But I refused... then someone, started making deals with some fucking bandits. I looked through our supplies one day and they were gone.. all the good medicine. Then when Lee found a bag hidden in an air duct he took it and the bandits went ballistic, they raided us and walkers then invaded that too. We have to keep moving. We can't stay in one place for long or else it ALL goes to shit. It's winter anyways... if we don't get shelter soon we're going to go through hypothermia and freeze to death."

        "I'll keep that in mind... Thanks for your input Lilly.. and I'm sorry about your Dad." I look down at my combat boots solemnly.

        "My Dad was alive... I got him breathing... then Kenny dropped the salt lick on his head... He could be here with us right now." Lilly sobbs into her hands. I awkwardly pat her back and walk back to Austin.

        "Jerry... I have some news..." Austin looks at me with big, shocked eyes.

I stare back at him and thread my brows together, "What's new.. baby, are you okay?"

        "...Adriana called in to me right now... Crawford's been.. invaded. Walkers are getting in... We need to save them now. There's no time left. Lilly was right Babe." He says.

        I slip on my coat and take his hand, "Lilly we have to go now!" I say.

        Her head shoots up and darts to us. She sprints toward us, "What's going on!?" She screams.

        "Crawford." I reply. We sprint down the hotel stairs and out onto the street, catching the attention of the horde. "Fuck!" We weave ourself through the walkers, Not stopping to check behind us we make a left and keep going forward, then we see the gates. I shoot a walker near by and find Adriana in a corner. She sprints towards us and looks confusingly at Lilly, "Lilly..." Lilly introduces herself before we have to keep running,

        "Have we lost anybody!?" I screech to Adriana, "Yeah... Daniel Hernandez.., Jacquees, and Juan.. they're dead.. but we can stray on their deaths... we have to keep going. We found your coworker Lucy and she's safe with Regine and the others in a house nearby.. But Valentina is dead... We got some newbies." Adriana leads us to housing unit C and shoots more walkers, Machine guns go off and bombs explode as if it were a war zone.

        "How did they get in!?" Austin asks.

Adriana doesn't stop running, "A barricade came down when we were announcing new citizens... I missed you guys. Molly was seen leaping from roof to roof with an icepick.. she made it out. But Oberson died.." Adriana opens the door for the rest of us and we run inside, slamming it shut. I recognize everybody from before.. except the ones who have parished. Then some newbies,

        "Jerry.." Tania says, "Where.. were you?"

I look down and sigh, "They don't know?"

        "It was too risky." Adriana replies, "He ran away with Austin. He was going to die. Oberson threatened the both of them, then I guess they found Lilly."

        "Well we have others.." Regine replies. I glance over to see three others, Lucy, a teenager that looks to be a bit older than me with coal black hair, and another girl about my age with dip-dyed pink hair... dip-dyed pink hair.. the glasses... only one person it could be.., I gasp,


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