Chapter TwentyTwo - Figure

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Chapter Twentytwo-

        *A week later*

        Me and Austin have been all around Savannah lately, mostly at the hospital nearby packing up lots of supplies. Even though most of it has been scavenged by Crawford they left a couple of stuff behind maybe in confrontations. Walkers roam the city but Austin and I travel by rooftop. Keeping a close eye on Crawford. We have heard no word from Oberson or his officials but Adriana gave me a walkie talkie just incase we needed to contact her or vice-versa. Supplies are very low on our end but we're making due.

        "One water bottle left, two energy drinks, and four apples left in my pack babe." I say to Austin, him and I sit down on the hospitals abondended roof, he wraps his arm around my shoulder and gives me a tight squeeze, I kiss his cheek and stare at him with pure, innocent eyes, "Where are we going next babe?"

        "I think we just stick around here.. go back to Crawford to get the rest of the group out when it's safe... That's our best bet." He stares into the horizon, the sun is just rising. I lay my head on his shoulders and let out a suttle sigh. My black eye has finally gone away and my bruises are starting to parish. I'm extrememly lucky I didn't break a bone, or else we'd be fucked. We stare at the sunrise until dawn is finally official... then we take a little nap on the rooftop together.

     -July, 23, 2014 - Two Months In-

        Today is Austin and I's two month anniversary... and we just want to spend it alone together. It's only been a few weeks since we left Crawford and the city's getting fuller. It's hard to believe their's a chance of life down there... but I see a figure of a woman. She looks alive but it's hard to make out from here. It looks as if she's being chased by the horde by the way she's running. But I can't tell.

        "Austin.. I think I see something.." I wave my left hand towards him and gesturing towards me he follows. I point to the figure, "Is that alive?" I ask him, furrowing my brows and squinting my eyes, the July wind blows a soft breeze into my hair and the sun beats onto my face, I rest my hand above my brows to shield it away.

        "Only one way to know... do you think we should check it out babe?" He replies, "She looks alive... but I don't know if we should help her... she may not have any resources and being the people we are we would help her out. She might drain us bare."

        "Well... you're right. Being the people we are I think I wanna go check it out... what if she's in trouble... they look like they're chasing her." I imply to him, pointing to the cluster of walkers scooting along the tar roads from below The Marsh House roof we're on.

 Austin bites his lip and ruffles his hair, "Why turn the heat from her to us.. I want you safe babe, you already been through a lot..."

        "Baby... please... use the trick Truman taught us?" I respond, clinging to his muscular arm and pouting.

        "Fine... only for you."

        We take a walker and slice her open, rubbing the guts on Austin, then Austin rubbing the guts on myself, Then running to the street we be cautious not to attract any attention to ourselves. We walk throughout the horde of walkers, some growl in suspicion but they lose interest and we keep strolling along. No biggie. Then we hear the woman. She has a lower voice, but it still sounded very much like a woman. "God no please.." She cries, running faster through the horde. She wears a brown tanktop and denim jeans, with black combat boots. She holds an automatic pistol and a small bag but is intelligent enough not to shoot it. Austin and I catch up with the woman and open the door to a small diner. Then rush to close it, slamming a table against it. She pants and puts her hands to her knees, leaning over and out of breath. She seems to be about twenty eight with long chest length brown hair.

        "Who are you guys..?" She asks, still panting, "Weren't you in the horde?"

        "I'm Austin..." Austin replies, then comes up to me, placing his hand on my back, "And this is my boyfriend Jerry."

        "We already had problems with homophobes... so are you a homophobic woman?" I ask her, cocking my gun and crossing my arms.

        "No, I'm not a homophobe, I'm Lilly, Lilly Caul. Thanks for saving me..." She looks up at us and nods slightly.

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