**CONTEST - Still Open!!!**

59 3 13

A/N -

Sooo Guys!

I'm going to do a lil contesty test test test Cx

So I'm calling this contest the "Create A Character Contest"

This is basically how it works.

If you have the mentallity of a grapefruit and can't read for shit I'm gonna explain the rules

Basically you create your own character... yippe ki yay.


-Can't bring one of my characters back from the dead

-Only submit one character

-Do not trademark any characters from the television show or game, I'm already tied with the game.

-Must tell me



Occupation Before Outbreak-


Weapon Of Choice-



Family members (All of which will be desceased unless I like the idea a lot)-

and Location before outbreak (Also included in backstory)-

I will end contest once it reaches fifteen entries!

Have fun,

Winner- Get's their character in my book and a shoutout on any social media.



P.s. Submit entries through INBOX, KIK, or INSTAGRAM DIRECT MESSAGE.

Kik- jerryiscrayzayyy

Instagram- _yourprincecharming_

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