Chapter TwentyNine - Wellington

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Chapter TwentyNine-

        I reach for the strangers hand, I can't see his face, or what he's dressed in. But I can hear the sound of his voice, and I can see the faint shadow of his hand as he offers it to me. I mouth some words but I barely hear a whisper come from my mouth. I'm blacking out, and I know it. I didn't even know it was Christmas. When you're in a place like we are today, you lose track of the days. There's just good days, and bad days.

        "Are you okay?" His hand still out, his voice fading slowly with each second. I try to reach my hand towards him. But I go limp, and I black out.

        "Shit." Is that last words I heard out of him before I fell asleep.

        But then I wake up. In a truck, in the passengers side. My seat fully reclined, my body trapped in a seatbelt, a blue knitted blanket pulled over me. I look at the stranger, still silent. To be honest, I don't even think he knows I'm awake. I can finally form a word, "H- hi." I say to him.

        He looks over at me and half smiles, his snake bites and angel bites shimmering in the sunlight.

        "Hey." He replies, "You've been out quite some time." 

I squint, trying to get a clearer visual of him, "How- how long have I been out?" I stutter.

        "Uhhhhh, about... I don't know... a day? A day and half." He takes a sharp left turn, "I'm Kayden by the way..., Kayden Koster. But, shouldn't I be like, Santa Claus to you? Or like.. your knight in shining armor or some shit. I pretty much saved your life from that asshole casserole."

I smile faintly, "Asshole casserole? Good one. I'm Jerry... Jerry Hinman. Has it really been that long? Where the hell are we heading?"

        "Well, If you don't mind I kinda found some map in your pocket. We're going to Wellington. I think that's where you were heading anyways." He raises his brow as he hits a walker and keeps driving, turning on his windshield wipers to clean off the guts.

        "Yeah. Thanks." I rub my eyes and stretch.

        "So, you don't look like you're that much of a fighter. With that fella and you. Who was that anyways? Your brother?" He asks.

I sigh, "It was my boyfriend. I AM a fighter, don't underestimate me, or anyone. That's only gonna get you killed, Prince Charming."

        "Look at you, maybe I did underestimate you. I apoligize. Your boyfriend aye? Not so many homos make it here these days. Most of them are being burned at the stake like some 1800's Salem Witch trial shit." He laughs softly.

        "You think that's funny? Are you going to burn me at the stake. If you are, let me out now. I don't roll with homophobics." I snarl.

He laughs harder, "You think I'm a homophobe? That's funny. You, Jerry Hinman, need to stop assuming things about people. You sure are quick to give advice to someone but not apply it to yourself. I myself am a homo."

        "Sorry." I peep, humiliated.

        He drives takes a sharp right.

He flicks his head to the side to adjust his brown swoopy hair, "It's cool. We're almost there though.

        The rest of the drive I'm silent. I just stare at him. His face relaxes me. His eyes sparkle, his nose slopes perfectly. His lips defined. His pale skin. His ears gauged. His lip piercings still reflecting against the sun. I try to look deeper into him though. All I smell is the scent of pumpkin spice. Boy do I like it.

         We take one last turn. Wooden fences seperate us and the camp. I sigh in relief as they open for us. A woman asks Kayden to roll down his window.

        "Hi. I'm Edith. Who are yall? Home for two?" She smiles.

Kayden looks over to me and smiles, "Yeah, sure. I'm Kayden and that's Jerry."

        "Have you happened to see a woman pass by here? Buzzcut? Leather jacket? Named Jane?" I bite my lip eagerly.

Edith giggles, her grey hair cascading down her chest, "We get a lot of people pass by Wellington as a place for sancuary everyday! I'm sure there is a possibility she's here. Then again, Welcome to Wellington."

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