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"you may kiss the bride"


its official me and Jack are married. It is now time for the reception (i dont know if thats what its called this is what i googled)

i have no idea what happens at these things but lets just make the whole thing up

we get to the reception room and everyone is in their seats waiting for us to show up

once we get in i see multiple people from our past that i missed while we went 'missing'

i want to run up to all of them and hug them but i know that would be inappropiate.

instead we walk to our designated table with my mom and jacks entire family waiting for us

once we sit down we start all the speeches


the speeches were beautiful and made me cry like 10 times. once everyone is finished its time for the food

we eat and talk about me and Jacks plans for the future and it makes me really excited

"so are you guys planning on having any children?" Jacks mom asks

"im not sure... babe are we?" Jack asks me

"oh yeah i hope you're ready cause i have plans for like 5"

"i was hoping youd say that cause i actually want a lot"

"good cause we were going to have them no matter if you liked it or not"

"do you know if you want boys or girls" my mom asks

"yeah i want two boys and a girl" i say

"omg me too" jack agrees excitedly

we high five and everyone at the table laughs and then continues to eat having private conversations

"are we supposed to greet people" i whisper to Jack

"im pretty sure"

"i dont want to see Zach"

"seriously youre still going on about this"

"hey i told you that if you invited him then i dont have to say hi"

"well you can still come to the table the other guys are there"

"ugh fine but i wont promise ill be nice"

"are you ever nice... i mean you even roasted me in the vows"

"well thats your fault for being so roastable."

"mhm sure"

"hey but youre also extremely hot so i mean theres a balance"

"i assume youre right"

"oh jacky im always right"

he playfully rolls his eyes and finishes his dinner

i finish as well and our familys tell us its time for us to go to all the tables and say hi to the guests

we get up and start our way around the room

we had a small wedding considering neither of us had that many friends. the tables mainly consist of a few friends and a bunch of cousins

our first table is my old friends from school

i hug everyone and they ask why we left and i explain the whole story

the next few tables are my moms side of the family, my dads side of the family, jacks moms side of the family, jacks biological dads side, his step dads side, and a childrens table of every kid 11 and under

i cried going to my dads side because they all said how he always talked about being alive for my wedding. apparently his one wish before he died was that i would find the love of my life and marry them.

after my cry fest at the table i hugged jack and told him that i definetly made that wish come true because i did in fact find the love of my life

i eventually stopped crying after i remembered that i now have to see Zach

apparently my mood changed fast cause Jack stared at me like i was crazy

"why are you staring at me"

"your mood just changed drastically"

"oh cause i remembered Zach"

"oh my god well lets see him and the others before you kill someone"

i roll my eyes and we walk over to his table

all the guys say congratulations except for Zach

"and i suffered through sending him an invitation for that" i whisper quietly to Jack

"i'm sorry i honestly expected more from him"

"well what can you expect from a bag of dicks"

we eventually leave the tables and get told its time for us to slow dance

this is the part that im nervous for. we've been to so many dance classes just for this and ive messed up every single time.

"babe stop overthinking it and just dance"

"jack i cant do it i always mess up and i dont want to mess up in front of everyone that i havent seen in a while"

"dont think about it. remember its just you and me and the dance floor"

one, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, "OW" Jack exclaims after i step on his foot

"ugh i told you can't do it i always mess up" i go over to our couch and put my head in my hands

i soon feel a presence next to me and his arms around my waist

"baby, you can definitely do it i believe in you. the weddings tomorrow you have no need to worry about a small detail. when we're dancing tomorrow no one is going to care if you do it wrong or right and if they care they can leave. and i promise you if you step on my foot no one will even know cause i wont yell"

"ill be wearing heels it will hurt" i mumble

"i dont care if it will hurt thats not the point the point is youre nervous and you have no reason to be"

"but what if people laugh at us"

"its our wedding i highly doubt they will "

"i guess"

"so do you want to try again"

"not really i actually want to sleep"

now here i am in the middle of the dance floor with my husband... wow this is real my husband never thought id say this anyways im in the middle of the dance floor just me and Jack slow dancing to *insert cute wedding dance song by Ed Sheering cause we love the king*

its halfway into the dance and i havent messed up yet.

"youre doing so good" Jack whispers

"dont say that you'll make me mess up"

he laughs and i see him wipe a tear. i know that everyone else saw too because i hear multiple "awws"

"aw baby why are you crying?" i ask

"i just love you so much and im so glad that despite everything in the past today is still happening."

"stop youll make me cry and you know i hate crying"

"you're cute when you cry"


"sorry" he laughs

for the rest of the dance we stay silent except for the voice of Jack singing along to the song

the song ends and we stare into each others eyes until everyone is told that they can join us and dance for the rest of the night

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