Sooooo I'm pregnant and suddenly a lot is making sense
This morning I had my normal throwing up routine which consists of waking up at 2a.m, getting a major headache, standing up almost passing out, going to the bathroom, throwing up everything that I've ate for the past 3 hours, going back to bed, waking up at 8 a.m to Jack asking if I threw up because I forgot to flush the toilet, crying because he finds out, having what Jack calls my "emotion attack", and throwing up again
But this time it was different because I quickly got dressed and went to CVS and bought a pregnancy test.
Then I went home locked myself in the bathroom took the test and bam found out I'm pregnant
Now I have to break the news to Jack
"Jacky?!?" I yell as sweet as possible walking out of the bathroom to find him
"I'm down here"
I find him sitting at the table on his phone and I sit down next to him
"Hey what's up?" He asks
"I have some news for you"
"I-I'm pregnant"
"Awww yay" he says pulling me into a hug
"A-are you happy" I say starting to get sad and nervous
"Of course I'm happy why wouldn't I be"
"I don't know" I say sadly
And cue the tears