A Sweet, Innocent Ra(n)t

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Oh boy, the first story that somehow turned into a rant halfway through. I will admit that the rant is hilarious, but we got off track with this one. Hope you enjoy our stupidity!

Fandom(s): Detroit Become Human, mentions of Dragon Age (For some reason...)

WARNINGS: MAJOR cursing, violence, Endy getting pissed for no reason, crack-fic

     During the day, Ralph was an Android that was just trying to be good for the humans. Then some assholes beat his ass for some reason.

(Here we go... this whole paragraph is JUST Endy.)

     Like, I mean seriously Ralph was humble and good. And those hoodlums can suck my left toe god I mean like seriously. (Who the fuck? Okay off topic. -Trash) NO, not off topic, guess what bitches here's my TEDTalk about how Ralph is pure and deserved only love and hugs and cuddles. Like DAMN I mean really Jesus H. Christ.

(Okay I think it's over...)

     Anyway, Ralph then had third degree burns. (Because of the ooffening. -Oil.)

(Jesus Christ is not over yet!?)

     Meaning the ATTACK that Ralph had to go through. That made him DEVIATE because of the PAIN he went through. Jesus Christ, Ralph was so PURE and GOOD. (And he's still pure and good. No matter what you say. -Trash)

     Ignore those two. They're kinda 'salty'...

     DONT YOU FUCKING IGNORE ME, ANDERS WAS RIGHT! Um actually Fenris was right and great and fuck the chantry.

(...What have we done? -Trash)
(We have hindered ourselves in the eyes of the gods and set the world on fire. -Endy)

(hell yeah my dude)

Jesus Christ, that was a roller coaster of emotion. Well... I hope you enjoyed that chapter. Thank you so much for reading this train wreck.

People involved in writing this:

Endy (Obviously)

Next: A Great Autistic Crossover

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