j.jk | take care of me |

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Just sitting in class, finishing up homework before its due. The teacher come in with a boy, he was tall, out fresh haircut and toned muscles. And he was actually pretty cute. Like hella attractive.

"Okay class, we have a new student today. Please introduce yourself." "Hey. My name is Jungkook please take good care of me."

After he introduce himself, all the guys were whispering to eacher and the guys were just groaning and tried to talk smack about him. while on the other hand the girls were all heart eyes for him.

The teacher told him to take a seat in a empty desk, which there was only 2 empty seats opened & to pass up the homework. There was one desk by me and the one by the corner. And surprise suprise, he took the one by me...great but not too great.

"Hi, im Y/n" your turned and faced him, omg he was beautiful. Sharp jawline and perfect nose bridge and those eyes. Omg. I was dying.

"Hey" your were actually dying, inside and out.

"So where are you from?" "Im from Busan" "oh wow, so made you come to Seoul?" He looked hesitant, "...My dad got hired as one of the new executive in the company he's working in." "Ohh okay. Well i hope you'll like it here in Seoul." "Mhm. Thanks."

That was cold, when he answed you, he had a cold vibe going on...


School was over and you were heading home. You were living alone for now since your parents were on a trip for their Jobs.

Your mom was a well know Doctor in SK. And your dad was Surgeon who travel place and help observes other new surgeons ro do their best.

You were walking home near the corner store, you heard voices in the ally.

"Ya! Look where you're going ass wipe!" Jungkook just kept on walking. One of the guys stopped him "What? you want a fist in your face tough guy?" "Smh. He thinks he so tough."

You looked as saw 3 gang guys huddled around Jungkook. You were scared of what was gonna happen.

Within a few minutes, one of the big guys threw Jungkook down on the floor and they all started to beat him up. Kicking him and throwing punches.

"HEY STOP IT!!" The guys and looked up and saa you there, standing, tryibg to stop them.

"Ohhh, you got your little girlfriend here huh? Ha, your dead meat right now, but i guess we gotta target your girlfriend now."

You stepped back as the 3 guys came closer, your back hit the wall. You were scared, you panicked, just standing there, not knowing what to do.

You closed your eyes and prayed that nothing would happen. As the guy was gonna throw a punch, his arm got stopped. You were waiting for the pain to come. You opened your eyes and you saw Jungkook holding the guys arm and pulled the guy towards himself and punched the gangster in the face.

You felt your arm being pulled. You were running as you look back saw the guy on the floor.  Looked who was pulling you and you saw Jungkook. His lips was busted and a blood coming from his cheek and brusies on his arms, yet he still managed to run and take you with him.

As the coast was clear, you guys stopped at a public park, taking a break from all that running. "Wait...okay i think we're good now." Still trying to catch your breath. You saw Jungkook trying to catch his breath, few of his buttons from shirt was undone, which exposed his chest alittle bit, you could tell he worked out

You stared at his face, admiring his features, but he caught you looking at him amd so you quickly looked away.

"Jungkook..why...didnt you beat them?" "It doesn't matter,  we're already long gone aways from them. Im not gonna go back just to fight them again."

"Well, we're kimda close to my house. Come on, I'll fix up that wound for you." You said in a soft tone as you tried to offer but he denyed it.

"Nah, im good, imma just go home." He started walking the opposite direction but you grabbed his hand, "no, you basically saved my life, at least let me just patch you up where it hurts."

He just looked at ypu while you pulled his hand, walking towards your house. He sat in one of the tall chairs in the kitchen, while you grabbed the aid kit and from the bathroom and got some rubbing alcohol and q-tips.

You dabbed on some alcohol onto the q-tip and lightly pressed on his cheek, he didnt really show any reaction.

As you were fixing him up, he just stared at your face. You noticed but you just let it be since you were busy at the moment.

"Did you know those people? You know the giys that tried to hurt you?" It was dead silent, you quickly packed the stuff away and slowly walking away from the kitchen, you heard a voice.

"They work for my dad..." "wait.. but i thought your dad was a executive director or something?? They looked like a bunch a thugs, not no security guards??"

"The truth is, my dad is a gang leader. And those guys were his gang men. I..i was so tired of my fathers deals and bets with other gangs, thats why i ran away to live with my aunt, and that's why im living in Seoul atm."

You stood there quietly, "and the reason why those men surrounded me was because, my dad told them follow me and bring me back to Busan. But im never going back. My aunt came to me with opened arms when none of my other relatives wanted me."

You started to tear up on his story, "what about your mom?..."

He just got quiet and slowly smiled, you saw tears forming in his eyes, "mhmm, well my mom passed away when i was only 7"

"Can I ask what happend to her? If thats okay?"

"Its okay, um, she died during a shoot out, she was never part if the gang, she was totally different, the most sweetest and kindest lady you'll ever meet, my parents were really happy together before all this gang stuff started, my dad started to get in more trouble by the law enforcement and dealing with drugs/deals & my mom told my dad to stop and he was going to, but by then, it was already too late. Some gangs near our town came by and started shooting everyone at the place where my dad and his gang people meet up once and a while. My mom was there visiting, just making sure he was okay, i was in the car waiting, and during that time, its when that all happened. After that shooting, he changed, he never left the gang life, my aunt was the only one that understood why he's staying in the gang but sooner or later it was too much for her so then she moved to seoul."

Warm tears were falling out of your cheeks and you saw his tears running down to. You didn't know what to say...

"So after my mothers passing, my dad was the one who raised me until i was old enough to run errands for him and by then, i was basically all alone again. When i contacted my aunt, she told me that i can stay with her until i graduate and by then have enough money to take care of myself once i find a job. My aunt has kids of her own, so i dont want to be a bother for her & her family. Dont get me wrong they are nice people, but i just dont fit in. Bc im from the outside, im a street kid, but im thankful for her, shes the only one who understands and is able to help me, everyone else dishonored my father from the fanily and its been years since we came in contact to one of them. Well besides my aunt, but we only say happy holidays here and there."

"And my mom, she..." he stopped talking, as he felt your warm hug, you cried in his chest and felt really bad for him. You felt his hands going down your hair and tried to cheer you up.

"Im sorry, it just that.." "its okay, no need to say it." "Well.." as you were trying to wipe ur tears away, "its getting late, why dont you just sleep here for the night? I mean its getting dark, so just stay....okay?"


Soooooo im done with a first part 😂 sorry if it sounded confusing but like you know, second part is coming out soon guys!!! Btw please excuse the typos in here, didnt feel like going back and changing everything oof and guys its my birthday month!!!!!!

author nim~

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