taehyung | look how deep |

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taehyung, your lovely boyfriend has been busy with work and hasn't been home for 3 weeks. every day you are lonely without him as he came home late around 1, stuck at the office since deadlines were due. he never forgets to kiss you every morning before leaving but you wished he didn't have to work so much.

it was 12:45am when you heard the door open. you walked out of the bedroom and saw your tried husband. taehyung set his bag and jacket down as he saw you, he gave you a sweet smile.

you walked over to him and hugged him. you missed his smell, his touch, his warmth. "baby you not tired? you've been waiting for me every night..." he said slowly as he kiss your forehead.

"i can't sleep because you're not here. i miss you..."

tae exhaled out his breath, "yea i know, the office has been busy and the boss is kicking our asses if we don't turn in our reports in soon, and i'm sorry, i miss you too....i miss coming home early to you..."

he embraced your warmth and hugged you tightly.


"oh are you hungry oppa? i can heat up the food i made earlier." you went to the kitchen and heat up the food. you finally set up the table and called taehyung to come eat. you went to the bedroom and found him knock out on the bed.

you looked at him as he was sleeping peacefully, you brushed his hair away from his face. he was tried and stress from working so much. you wished you can do more for him.

the next morning you woke up to an empty bed. taehyung has already left for work. you washed up and went to the kitchen. you notice that there was a note on the table and a cup of coffee an a plate of pancakes. the food was still warm so he probably just left.

you read the note,

'good morning my love, i make you some pancakes and a coffee. enjoy your breakfast and i hope you have a good day :)

p.s i'll be home early so don't wait up okay

love you babe ~"

you smiled and jumped up and down. 'yay!! taehyung is gonna be home early today!!'

you ate the food he made and finished the coffee. you planned to go shopping for clothes and groceries to make a delicious meal since he was gonna be home early.

you got dressed and you grabbed your keys and left the apartment. you arrived at the store and picked out a simple yet sexy dress and a few undergarments since you needed new ones.

you paid for your items and headed to the grocery store

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you paid for your items and headed to the grocery store. you picked up some meat and veggies and obviously wine. you planned out to make steak and steam veggies with a side of stir-fried potatoes.

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