k.nj | i don't care |

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You were in a new relationship with your new boyfriend namjoon, he's tall, very smart, sweet and very handsome. You thought to yourself why and how you score yourself a great guy like namjoon.

You enjoyed having him as your boyfriend but the default of dating him is that, people talk.

People from school gossip and share false rumors around the two of you.

"Oh, I heard that he's just dating her bc he feels bad"
"She so ugly and fat why is he even with someone like that?? Smh"
"He should date someone like Nancy or Annie not some chick who isn't even a 5.."
"I feel so bad for namjoon, he's prolly under some spell from that bitch"

All their talk and gossip made you double think, 'is he just in this relationship for fun? Is he just using me?'

"Hey y/n!!" You heard your name being called, "oh Emily! Hi what's up?"
Emily was calling your name and waving at you, "girl I was calling your name for 5 mins, you good?" You nodded, "okay well we still on for tonight at your house??"

"Yea totally!" Emily smiled, "okay! See you at 8!"

Emily was mainly your only friend, you guys knew each other ever since the middle school day. When Emily was new, your were her first friend, and ever since you guys were basically sisters, always hanging-out and studying together.

Friday nights was where and you Emily will have your own girls night, it a night where you guys do face mask, nails, gossip about celebrities and their drama and just stay up all night watching 'Pretty Little Lairs'

Around 8 Emily showed up and started the girls night tradition, you mom was even nice enough to make a thing of ice coffee and cookies for you two.

In the middle of watching the tv show, you spoke up about the situation.

"Hey Emily..." she looked at you, "i have a situation about me and namjoon.." "oh god don't tell me that he's cheating on you or you guys are breaking up or or he's treating you like trash bc you know damn right he's gon get his as-.."

"Oh god no Emily, nothing like that," "oh okay good bc i was about to go all out,"

Emily always had your back whenever sometime bad happens to you. You finally had the courage to tell her and tell her how you felt about the situation.

"Wow, okay that's a lot to take in.....okay okay- first off, fuck everyone who says that about you and namjoon, they just mad be they can't go out with him. And y/n you are a beautiful girl, I'm sure namjoon is dating you bc he loves you, not for a fake relationship. Don't think much about it."

After Emily's whole speech, you felt a little better, "thank Emily, and yea I shouldn't listen to them.." "hey why don't you try to talk to namjoon about it, I'm pretty sure he can help you, i mean coming he's pretty understanding about many situation." You just smiled at her, "okay come on let's get back to the show, we basically missed a whole episode already!"

You just laughed.

The next morning Emily left, since she had to go with her parents for her little brothers karate class.
You were home alone today, you parents both took a double shift for their jobs since it Saturday, and usually Saturday nights were they're pretty busy.

You decided to cook your favorite food, and just watch tv all day.

After eating and cleaning the dishes, you received a text from namjoon,

N: "you busy today?"

Y: "no, my parents took a double shift tonight, so they won't be home until midnight"

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