p.jm | royalty pt.2 |

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you heard the trumpets go off outside, you grabbed your moms hand. you heart was beating so fast you didn't know what to do. you never saw him before and was really scared on how he would react to you.

you went outside to the stairs and there you saw him walking,

he was wayyyyyyy more attractive than what you imagined, he walked up the stairs with the duke and someone who seemed to be his father, King Seokjin

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he was wayyyyyyy more attractive than what you imagined, he walked up the stairs with the duke and someone who seemed to be his father, King Seokjin.

"oh my goodness mom, he so good looking...." you quietly said to your mom, "yes i know, very charming as well."

you heard the doors open, "ahh my good old friend Seokjin, i hope the ride here wasn't much trouble." your dad said, "how are you y/f/n, and no the trip here wasn't much trouble, also I apologized if Queen Sujin wont be joining us today, she has business to take care of but she send in her greetings."

your father, King Seokjin and Prince Jimin met up at the top of the stairs, shaking each other hands and jimin bowing to your dad.

"how do you do Sir King Seokjin?" "ah very well Queen y/m/n, happy to be here."

"ah y/n dear, come here, i want to introduce you to Prince Jimin and his father King Seokjin."

you came out from hiding behind your mom, you walked towards your dad and smiled, "hello, my name is princess y/n, nice to meet you King Seokjin and Prince Jimin..." you were shy and, intimidated by jimin's stare.

"ah finally glad to meet you dear, your father has told me many things about you and how amazing you've been with your studies. he also told me that you are a intelligent young lady and will soon be queen of your kingdom in the future. when that time comes don't hesitate to ask your us as your allies anything. we are a small kingdom but we do our best in everything we can."

"very good to hear that sir. thank you." you gave a soft smile to King Seokjin, "oh where are my manners, princess y/n this is my youngest son, Prince Jimin. I believe you guys are only 1 year apart."

"how do you do Prince Jimin." you bowed to him but didn't receive any reply back, you were now having second thought on how this man was gonna be your future husband.

"oh y/n, why won't you show Prince Jimin around the castle while me and your father talk to King Seokjin for awhile?" you mother said softy, "okay mother."

you low key didn't want too because he seemed really shady but you can my disobey your mothers request, you smiled and bowed to your parents and King Seokjin to be excused. you started to walk back inside with jimin following behind you, the tension of him walking from behind gave you chills and honestly you felt like he was just dead on staring at the back of your head.

you led him to the garden out back to show him your favorite flowers and the beautiful pond but he didn't seem interested and honestly it started to piss you off.

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