Chapter 2

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After Vivien showed me every inch of the house I walked back to my room. I luckily did not share it with anyone. At least I had a bit of privacy. Not that I complained about Freya or the rest, I just needed my personal space. I took my phone and video called my mother on WhatsApp. She picked up.

"Hey mum." I said and smiled. She smiled back at me.

"Hey darling, how is it there?" She asked me.

"It is different from London. I miss you guys a lot." I said. I saw my little brother jumping in next to my mother and he started smiling as he saw me.

"Where are you Laulau... I miss you." He said. I could hear it in his voice that he was about to cry. I sighed. It was hard to explain a three year old child that he won't see me for a couple of months.

"I will be back soon. I promise you. I just needed to come here for work." I lied. He nodded and looked down.

"I don't need to welcome her! God I don't even know her!" I heard a boy scream. I did not recognise his voice, so I assumed it was Freya her son, Matthew.

"You need to! She is a guest in our house!" Freya shouted back at her son. I looked at my mother and brother.

"I promise I will call you tomorrow. I love you both." I said and hang up. I did not wanted my mother to hear what was going on. I knew she would feel anxious about what was going on downstairs.

I walked out of my room, down to the stairs and saw a dark brown haired boy arguing with Freya. He was definitely Matthew. He looked like his mother but the only difference was that he had hazel greenish eyes. I could faintly see the tattoos on his neck.

I walked back to my room so I would not create an awkward moment. I was new here and a guest and knowing that Matthew doesn't like my presences makes me some kind of anxious. I wasn't welcome here. This was supposed to be my new home for a while.

I was happy that I did not had the face him a lot of times. I was starting tomorrow college anyway. I was relieved knowing that Vivien was studying there as well. I wouldn't be alone. It was just that Vivien could be over excited about something, it can be sometimes annoying.

"Lauren, we are having dinner." Vivien said as she knocked on my door.

"I am coming." I said as I stood up and left. I was anxious now because I will see Matthew now and I don't know what to expect. It made me feel good knowing that no one else was thinking the same way like Matthew. I think I would have left than.

I sat on the table and saw Michael and Freya sitting next to each other. I decided sitting next to Vivien as I felt more comfortable with her. I saw a figure walking inside and I looked up and faced Matthew. His hair was wet so I assumed that he took a shower. His eyes scanned mine and I could see that he was not amused by me.

"That is my seat." He said as he pointed at the place where I was sitting. I looked down.

"I am sorry." I said and stood up.

"Matthew! Sit down next to me!" Freya shouted at her son. I awkwardly stood on the same position and had no idea what I should do now. I looked at Matthew and if looks could kill I would have been dead by now. Matthew groaned and sat next to his mother and I sat down on the same place I was sitting.

"I am so sorry for that, Lauren." Freya apologised and I quickly shook my head and gave her a reassuring smile.

"It is fine." I said softly. A bit afraid if Matthew would hear me, he would make a big deal out of it again.

The entire dinner and I did not even dare looking at Matthew. I was engaging in the conversation that Freya and Vivien were having and I could feel Matthew's eyes piercing at me. After the dinner was done and eaten, I helped Freya cleaning up.

"Even my own daughter does not help me as much as you do." Freya said and I chuckled.

"I am kind of used to do this." I said and it was true. Taking care of my brother and my mum not having around did had some benefits. I knew how to cook, clean or to pay bills. Not that I loved having all these responsibilities. It took away my normal teenage life.

"Thank you, darling." She thanked me and I nodded. I walked back to my own room and almost screamed when I saw a figure sitting in my room. Before I even could scream, my mouth got covered with a hand and I got pushed against the wall. I looked in the same eyes as I did before. It was Matthew.

"What the hell." I said as he removed his hand from my mouth. Now I could see his tattoos. He had one in his neck and a lot on his arms. One his neck it was a rose and made it look like the rose was bleeding out. His both arms were covered with different tattoos. It looked disgusting but yet it made him look so attractive.

"Watch your words, redhead." Matthew said and I scoffed.

"No, really what is your problem?" I asked him annoyed. My hair was completely fine being red. It looked beautiful, besides his boring dark brown hair. I figured out to keep that comment to myself before I insulted his mother, sister or father.

"You are my problem. You come here into my house. Uninvited." Matthew said and each word he spoke out felt like he was trying to stab me with them. I laughed and shook my head.

"In fact, this is not your house and I am more than welcome here." I said annoyed.

"If you don't leave, I promise you I will make your life here a miserable hell." He said throughout his teeth and I rolled my eyes. Was I meant to be scared of him now? Hell no.

"Try me." I challenged him and I could see that he was not really amused by my reaction but I honestly couldn't care less. How dare he pushing me against the wall and covering my mouth like he really wants to hurt me or kidnap me? He serious had some mental problems.

"Well, Lauren. You just declared war with the only one Matthew and believe me it will not be pretty for you." He threatened me and I again rolled my eyes and pretended that I did not care but deep inside me I did feared him.

What if he would actually do something to hurt me on purpose? I would never make him realise that I was afraid of him. He would always then overpower me and I honestly wouldn't let him enjoy of it. I wanted it to be fear came and I wouldn't just make it easier for him to be a weak pathetic crying girl.

I was a woman and I could be equally strong as Matthew.

"Well, Matthew. You shouldn't underestimate me because now it won't be so pretty for you." I said with a evil smirk on my face. Matthew clenched his fists. I could see he wanted to lash out but instead of that he chuckled which gave me chills all over my body.

"Have it your way, Lauren." He whispered in my ear and walked away out of my room. Shocked I looked at the closed door and felt like I could finally breathe again.

What just happened?

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