Chapter 30

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Matthew was just staring at me with any emotions in his eyes. Angry and upset, I turned myself around and started to walk away from him. I wish I had never met him.

I could still feel pressure on my hand and I knew this was going to hurt me for a while. I think the physical pain he caused me wouldn't be as worse as how he pained me inside.

Why was he like this? What made him go so insane? No one turns out the way as Matthew did without any reason.

"Lauren!" I heard Alberto shout but I didn't listen. I didn't want to. I was fed up listening to any of them. They would only tell me lies anyway. Nothing would be actually true.

I was a fool to believe that Matthew actually would tell me the truth from the beginning. Obviously, he won't. I meant nothing to him. My heart ached when the thought of me not meaning anything to Matthew was in my mind.

It was the harsh truth...

"Lauren, wait!" I heard Alberto shout again. Angrily, I turned myself around and looked at him with tears in my eyes. At this point, my tears were not just because of the sadness I felt but also the anger. I was absolutely done with them.

"What Alberto?" I asked loudly and angry. I saw Alberto looking at me in shock, not thinking that this would probably make me upset.

"L-Lauren, I am sorry for whatever just happened." Alberto stuttered and I laughed. Some tears streamed down my cheeks while I was shaking my head out of disbelief.

"Like it matters to any of you." I said and I saw Alberto sighing. His chest slightly went up and then down.

"It does, Lauren. You do matter to me." He said and I just shook my head. I looked down as I felt myself breaking apart. I knew I was going to cry again just like a baby.

I saw Alberto taking a few steps closer and he held me by my shoulders softly. I looked up, straight into Alberto's eyes. His eyes looked soft and full of guilt.

"I know what you saw back in London has traumatized you which is totally understandable but you have to realise that whatever Matthew did was for your own best will." Alberto said calmly and I shook my head.

"Killing someone is wrong..." I said softly and I could hear my voice shaking. Alberto sighed.

"David would have never stopped until you or any of your loved ones ended up dead so he could get to Matthew." I heard Alberto say and I softly gasped. I don't know why it shocked me because deep inside I knew that whatever Alberto was saying right now was true.

David would have never stopped.

"I don't feel safe." I said softly and Alberto looked at me thoroughly.

"I-I can't stop thinking when someone comes and attacks me again or my family or even one of you." I stuttered and my voice broke down midway when I spoke my words out.

I saw Alberto getting upset just because of me. The look in his eyes gave it away. He took a deep breath before he spoke again.

"You have nothing to worry about. Matthew would never let something happen to you." Alberto said and I laughed.

"Yeah sure. He is the one who just gave me bruises. I don't think he cares at all." I said slowly and softly. Alberto shook his head again.

"Matthew is messed up but somehow in his messed up heart, he started to care for you. Everyone is seeing it. It's not just me." Alberto said and I looked down at my shoes.

Why was it so hard for me to believe it then?

"I know that Matthew's behaviour would probably never make sense to you but we know him for years and never have seen that he was so keen to protect a girl." He said.

"He was never that kind of a guy who would play the hero. He would be the villain mostly but when you came in his life, something changed. Unfortantualy did we not only see it but so did the other gang..." Alberto said softly.

"But you have to believe me when I say that Matthew would do anything to protect you." Alberto said as he kept staring at me. I sighed out loud and l looked up so I could finally face him.

"You are right... I can't see that he cares for me. I don't and it kills me because I do..." I said softly and Alberto's eyes widened. I saw it the shocked expression on his face.

He did not expect this.

"What do you mean?" He asked quickly and I sighed again. I wanted to look down because I was too scared to look him into his eyes and tell him that I was actually in love with a guy like Matthew.

"I-I..." I stuttered and I just awkwardly looked at Alberto. I saw a smirk forming around his lips and I pushed him playfully away.

"Are you in love with Matthew?" He asked in disbelief and I sighed. I guess that was just an answer for him to confirm that I was...

I was in love with Matthew...

"Oh my god!" Alberto said happily and clapped in his hands like a toddler who just finally got his favourite toy.

"Stop..." I said softly when I saw some people passing by us and laughing at Alberto's way of expressing himself.

"Okay, I am sorry." He said quickly and I laughed softly.

"Look there. That's what I missed for days. Not seeing your smile had me and Vivien concerned and maybe somehow Matthew too." Alberto said and I just gave him a small smile.

"Just please don't tell anyone about this." I said and I saw Alberto looking at me in confusion.

"About what?" He asked confused. I looked at him annoyed and I saw the realization of knowing about what I was talking about kicking in.

"Oh..." He said softly as he nodded his head.

"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me." Alberto said and I just nodded.

"I am not so sure about that." I joked and he laughed softly. Together we were walking, god knew where because I just left the campus in a hurry because of Matthew.

Normally he would drop us off home or to college so I had no idea how to get home. I certainly wouldn't travel by public transport. It would take me more than two hours.

I started to save some money so I could afford a car and didn't have to rely on Matthew anymore. Maybe I didn't want to... I wanted to be with him more than anything but I also knew it would kill me slowly...

Matthew was clear about not wanting a relationship with anyone...

"Does anyone else know?" Alberto asked and I shook my head.

"I mostly kept it to myself. I didn't even tell Vivien." I said and I could see from Alberto's facial expression that he was surprised by it.

"Why?" He only asked.

"It is weird... Like... Matthew is at the end of the day her brother..." I said softly and Alberto nodded.

"Don't worry. Vivien is an understanding girl. I am sure she won't be angry or something." He said and I smiled. I am sure she is...

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