Chapter 47

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Hello angels! How is everyone doing? I hope that everyone is safe and sound! Please, vote and comment! I love to see the comments and reply to them! Enjoy this chapter!

When we almost reached towards the house, Matthew grabbed my thigh which made me feel a bit surprised. I looked up to him and saw him smiling. I would lie if I said that I wasn't feeling uncomfortable by this touch... I was... I didn't think that after what James did, I would be still feeling this anxious of a physical touch.

Matthew saw my so what terrified expression and quietly removed his hand from my thigh. He cleared his throat as he focused his gaze towards road.

"I will never do something if you are not okay with it and I won't be mad too." Matthew said quietly and for some reason it made my heart skip a beat.

"Thank you." I said softly and reached my hand towards his hand. Matthew smiled when I held onto his hand.

"No one has ever said that to me..." I said quietly. I looked down at his hand who was clenched tightly on the wheel of the car as if he was afraid to lose a grip of it.

"I-I mean, James has never said that to me. He always... made me feel guilty." I said and Matthew's hazel eyes looked at me. I noticed that he strengthened his grip on the wheel when I spoke of James.

I never knew that he would become so overprotective of me. That was the last thing I thought Matthew and I would be. I still remember the first day as if it was yesterday.

"I will never hurt you nor will I let my actions become the reason of you getting hurt. I would never..." He said softly and I smiled. I saw him parking in front of the house and as soon as he was done, I reached out to him and pressed my lips against his.

"Thank you." I breathed out when our lips parted. Matthew lifted one side of his lips as he smiled which made him look even more attractive then he was. It made me want to kiss him all over again.

"If this is the way you thank people, please just thank me." Matthew said and I chuckled softly. I rested my head on his forehead.

"I only thank you like this." I said and Matthew smiled. He came a bit closer and kissed me softly on my lips.

When he parted his lips from mine, he had this weird gaze on his face which I couldn't find the words of to explain.

"My parents are coming back today." He said and I frowned. I never realised that Freya and Michael were gone. There was just so much going on... I didn't even knew they had left for something which made me feel guilty.

"Where did they go?" I asked out of curiosity. Matthew shrugged his shoulders as he took the keys of the car.

"Probably a business trip." He said and something told me that he was lying to me. I don't know what it or how I knew it but I had a feeling that he wasn't being truthful to me.

He stepped out of the car and so did I. Matthew turned himself around to face me and smiled as he looked at me.

"You do know that you are gorgeous, right?" He asked and I shyly smiled. That startled me a bit but I didn't make it that obvious. At least I hoped that I wasn't...

He held my hand and pulled me softly towards him.

"We have an entire week of this week. What do you think about visiting your family in England?" He asked and I smiled.

It would be good to see my brother and mother again. I nodded as I smiled.

"I am sure they will love it." I said with a smile and put my hands around his neck. I came a bit closer and kissed him.

I felt his lips pressing against mine as I was moving my mouth. His mouth slightly opened, slipping his tongue right through mine. Without even realising, we were sharing a passionate kiss in front of his house.

"Matthew? Lauren?" I heard a familiar voice say. Shocked, I jumped slightly and quickly let go of Matthew. When I looked up, I saw Freya with a bag in her hand.

She looked as surprised and shocked as I was or Matthew. Matthew cleared his throat and looked at me before he walked towards his mother to greet her.

"How have you been?" He asked as he hugged her. Freya held onto her son and still surprisingly looked at me. I could feel my cheeks burning.

Did I really just get caught kissing in front of Matthew's mother? This was so embarrassing.

When Matthew came out of the hug, I walked towards Freya and hugged her. She smiled as she openly hugged me. When she looked at me, there was this relieved look in her eyes.

"I am glad that Matthew has someone like you." She said and Matthew looked at his mother as if she was showing me his baby pictures.

"Mother, you don't have to give us the big talk-"

"Let me be Matthew, you finally found someone that truly will care about you..." Freya said and even that took me by surprise.

I did figure out that Matthew was probably caught with many girls but this somehow made Freya feel relieved as if I was someone she wanted him to be with.

"If you hurt her-" "I would never hurt Lauren." Matthew said quickly as if he was getting accused of something. Freya smiled as she let her hand rest on his cheek.

"Mum..." He said embarrassed. Freya smiled as she shook her head.

"I am proud of you." She said and I looked over at Matthew who looked like he was longing for these words.

"I love you." He said and wanted to hug her. A loud gunshot was heard and before I knew, a gasping Freya was staring shockingly into Matthew's eyes.

"Mum!" He shouted. He quickly held onto her before grabbing his gun and looking around him to see where this person was.

"GET DOWN!" Matthew shouted at me. I quickly did as he said and took a hold onto Freya who was now laying down on the floor as the blood was pouring out of her body.

"Hold on..." I said softly as I kept on holding her hand tightly. Freya was gasping for air as she tightly held onto my hand.

"A-Always stick together." She said with difficulty as some tears streamed down her cheeks. I felt the tears burning in my eyes as I nodded my head.

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