Chapter 13

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[Please make sure to vote and comment... The comment have decreased so much and honestly it does not motivate me. By the, 30 votes I will upload a new chapter.]


"I am so sorry, Lau." I heard Vivien say. I sighed and just saw the image in front of me. The image of Matt kissing someone else. I felt utterly so stupid for feeling this way. I should have expect this because of course this was Matthew. He was like this. He would do anything to hurt the ones who were around him. Everything that Vivien was telling me was so blurry. I couldn't hear her clearly. My thoughts were just focused on Matthew.

"I am really sorry, Lauren." Vivien rambled around again and I breathed out frustrated. I loved Vivien and she was my best friend but sometimes she really does not know when to shut up. I looked at Vivien who was still rambling around on how sorry she was for her brother's behaviour. I let my fingers run through my hair. I closed my eyes and felt myself getting more frustrated.

"Okay! It is okay, Vivien!" I shouted harder than intended. Vivien immediately stopped talking and looked at me in shock. She was startled by my response and I did not blame her for it. Now everyone was looking at us and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I hated it when my anxiety made me feel that everyone is focused on me. I could tell that Vivien felt sorry but yet was not happy about me shouting at her. I wouldn't be either. I sighed. I just need a break from all of this.

"I need to be alone." I said and without waiting for her response I walked away. I couldn't even cry anymore and I would slap myself if I did. I don't want to waste one precious tear of mine on Matthew but I couldn't help the feeling inside of me. I just felt nothing.

No, that's not true. I felt deeply stupid for thinking that a boy like Matthew would be cable of loving or caring for someone. Nothing was wrong with me but him. I was the one who saw the good in him and right now I see nothing but a heartless sad boy. I ran into someone, again.

"Oh...oh. You okay?" I heard the male voice ask. I felt the anger and frustration building up in me. I could literally explode right now. Why can't everyone just stay away from me for one second? I clenched my fists.

"Can everyone just stop talking to me?!" I shouted at the guy and looked up. His icy blue eyes widened, startled by my response. I calmed down when I saw him confused staring at me. I looked down at my hands and exhaled. I am just going insane because of Matthew. He makes me feel things I don't want to feel because I know it will be just one-sided and besides that Matthew does not deserve to get the luxury of someone loving him.

"I think you need ice cream to cool yourself down." The guy said. I looked at him and narrowed my eyes. The good thing was that my anger faded away. Otherwise, I would have made him listen to some of my harsh words. I mean he was just making fun of me in a good way, I guess.

"Thanks but I am okay." I said and he smiled. That's when my eyes caught up how peaceful his smile was. His jet black hair with beautiful icey blue eyes... He looked so good.

"I know I am attractive but you staring at me makes me uncomfortable." Said the unknown boy with icy blue eyes. I quickly looked away and pretended that it was not him I was staring at. I smiled and shook my head - and looked up at him.

"No, totally not. Your ego must be disappointing you now." I said with a playful smile on my face. I could see the little amusement on his face when I saw playful smile appearing on his face. I never was good at flirting nor did I knew what the definition of it was but I am sure that the both of us were exactly doing that.

"I think I am going to have a heart attack." He said and I burst out of laughter. I shook my head and was deep inside of my heart glad that I had met him. I would have been still angry if it wasn't for him. For a second I forgot the hatred and anger that I felt towards Matthew. All because of him. He laughed and looked at me.

"I am Ian and you?" He asked and I smiled. "I am Lauren." I said with a smile on my face. I awkwardly looked down when both of us were just staring at each other with big smiles on our faces. God that must have looked silly.

"Lau!" I heard Alberto shout. I turned myself around and saw him standing in the entrance of the campus. He waved at me to make it easier for me to find him. I smiled and waved back at him.

"I never knew you had a boyfriend." I heard Ian say. I tried to keep my laughter inside of me and looked at him. The jealousy and disappointed was almost funny.

"I don't but he has." I said and he mouthed 'oh'. "But I got to go." I said and he nodded. I quickly walked over to Alberto and gave me a hug whilst I rested my head on his shoulder. It was weird and almost terrifying to be so attached to someone in such a short time. Alberto felt like my big brother that I never had.

"I should ban you from this university. All the guys are over you. Including Matthew. It is getting scary because there will be non for me." Alberto said and I laughed.

"You are way better looking than me, Berto." I said and he frowned at the nickname I gave him.

"Oh god, hell no. Not Berto, it sounds like an old grumpy man's name." He said as we were walking inside of the campus. I laughed and nodded.

"More of a reason to call you Berto." I said and he looked at me. If looks could kill I would have been dead on the floor. I stopped walking when I saw Vivien and Matthew arguing. I quickly turned myself around. Alberto frowned as he looked at me in confusion.

"What is going on? What did he do this time?" Alberto asked. Before I could answer him a girl with jet long black hair came out with flyers in her hand. I had never seen her but she must be popular as everyone stopped doing what they did and paid attention to her.

"Party! This Saturday! Everyone is welcome!" She shouted and everyone cheered as she smiled. She was a goddess. She was way too beautiful. I had never seen someone like her. Her jet black hair was dancing around her shoulders as she gave more folders out. She came closer to me and handed me a flyer.

"I hope I will see you." She said and winked at me. I was startled because for a second I had no idea what was going on but I just played along.

"I don't think she is coming, Emeraude." Matthew said and the beautiful girl named Emeraude frowned at Matthew, clearly confused by his comment. Matthew smiled and I looked at him. I felt like I wanted to slap him.

"I am, Matthew and stop speaking for me. It makes you look ridiculous." I said and I saw him clenching his jaw, clearly not happy by my answer to his comment. Emeraude looked at me and smiled. I could see that she was amused by the fact that I went against him.

"I am looking forward." Emeraude said and smiled as she walked away. Matthew was still staring at me and if he wouldn't stop being so angry he could explode. Everyone seemed to mind their own business when Emeraude left. I sighed and started walking away from Matthew.

"You think it makes you amazing when you go against me but watch it, Lauren. You will regret this." I heard him say. I turned myself around and scoffed. Did he really just threaten me for standing up for myself?

"Are you kidding me? I don't know why no one stands up for themselves when it comes to you but don't expect the same behaviour from me, Matt. I am not going to let you break me for no reason." I shouted angrily at him. Again, every student started looking at us. How many times did the two of us fight in front of everyone? It started looking like a whole joke.

"You will find out soon enough why you shouldn't mess with me." He said and I rolled my eyes. I was not interested at all. All he wanted, was to scare me away from the very beginning when he met me. I don't why he hates me so much but I clearly as hell do not deserve this.

"I don't care. Dogs always bark. I don't listen to them." I said annoyed and I could hear people gasp when I said it. I honestly never got why everyone was so scared of him. Matthew was nothing to be scared of. He loved to make people feel little of themselves so he could feel better. No one really saw what kind of a broken sad boy Matthew really was.

I saw Matthew opening his mouth and closing it again but before he could say anything I walked away. I had enough of him. He made my life hell at home and now, here in college too.

[I am so sorry for not uploading for such a long time but here you go and tysm for being patient! Please make sure to comment!!!! And vote! What do you think Matthew meant?]

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