Chapter 9

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[Please keep on voting and commenting. I really love to see your comments it makes me feel motivated to write further. By the 20 votes there will be a new chapter x]


As the lesson finished Matthew still did not come back. I picked up his books and put it in my bag. No matter how much I hated him or let's say disliked him. I wouldn't leave his stuff out here. Someone else would probably take it and use it which would be unfair to Matthew. I walked out of the class and saw Vivien waiting for me.

"How was your first day?" She asked me and I smiled. It was not really that bad. Only that the science lecturer was really boring. I had to agree with that one with Alberto. It was almost like walking into your death. I do not think a lot of people would be joining that class anymore after they have been tortured by him.

"It was alright. Better than I expected it to be. How was your day?" I asked her as we both were walking out of college. I knew that this was not her first day and that I came later on in the year but I still wanted to know if her day was good because I guess Harry did kind of ruin it but then again Alberto made it better.

"It was good. Boring as usual and met annoying people as usual." She said as she laughed. I started laughing and nodded. I knew she was referring to Harry. If Harry would annoy me like that I guess I would be going out of my mind. How dare he even disrespect a girl like that? I guess most boys here did not had respect for anything than their own reputation at college which was sad.

"Let's go eat. I don't really know the place but I guess we deserve to have something to eat." I said and Vivien nodded. She let her arm rest on my shoulder and so we were walking to the nearest snackbar.

"You are right. I am starving and besides that Matthew is not dropping us. His friend got in some problem and of course that was more important." Vivien said and I could see that she was annoyed about Matthew leaving so suddenly. Again I remembered the look on his face when he got the phone call. It must have been serious otherwise he would not be that terrified by just one phone call.

"Well, you have me now to have company with while going to home." I said and she laughed. We both walked inside the Mami snackbar. The name of the snackbar made me feel like I was in Spain. It was designed so tropical. It almost felt like this was a snackbar at the beach. I loved it the atmosphere here. There was Spanish music at the background and the lights were dimmed - and not to bright.

Vivien and I both sat down at the table. Without even asking she yanked the menu out of my hand and started searching for what she would eat. I laughed as I was looking at her. I guess no one could come between her and her love for food.

"I am getting a chicken burger with coke and cheese bites." Vivien said as she licked off her lips. She must be really hungry for behaving this way and to be honest, it was cute and funny at the same time. She kind of reminded me of my little brother, Luke. He would always do that when he was hungry too.

"I will do the same." I said without even looking at the menu. She nodded and ordered the food for the both of us. I was still thinking about Matthew. What was going on with him? What had happened that he was so terrified? I was so curious to find out but I knew he would not say anything. He would probably threaten me again.

"Alberto told me about James." Vivien said and my eyes widened. It was random not that I was shocked that Alberto had told her nor did I mind that she knew about it. I just wanted to tell it myself. I knew Alberto would not tell anyone else than just Vivien. He knew that I was close to her. I awkwardly nodded.

"I just want you to know that I will be here and as you kicked Harry's ass today I will be kicking my own brother's ass to protect you." She said and I smiled. I was happy that I had friends because I did not have any for a very long while. My life sort of ended when Luke was born and at first I would complain about it but my love grew for him day by day. He was not the one to be blamed for it but my mother.

"Thank you. It really means a lot." I said and she nodded. I knew I would find it good with Vivien but somehow I was still scared about Matthew. It made me feel anxious. What was so urgent? I knew if I would ask Vivien she would just acknowledge it. What made her dislike her own big brother so much?

"Why do you dislike your brother so much?" I asked her and she looked at me not really expecting the question I just asked her. One negative thing about me was that I always am curious and I would be eager to find out what it was. It was such a bad habit of mine and I did not have it under control which was even more annoying. It made me obnoxious and stubborn.

"He was never there for me. Whenever I needed him he was not there. He never loved me. Why would I love someone who does not love me back?" Vivien said and she sounded broken while she did. I could not imagine hating my little brother or my little brother hating me. Yeah sure I hated some of his habits but I would be prepared to die for him and hearing this was so shocking to me. Matthew was such a difficult person to understand.

"Well, I am here now." I said and patted my hand on hers. She gave me small smile and nodded - and her smile was wider when our food finally came. She immediately started eating and closed her eyes while eating one of her cheese bites to show how much she truly enjoyed her delicious food. I laughed and took a picture of her and posted it on my snapchat. She is adorable I wrote down underneath it.

"Let's not worry about assholes and enjoy our food." She said and I nodded. I took one of the cheese bites and ate it. I thought I would love it but I did not. These were disgusting. I gave Vivien a small smile and took a bite of my burger which was delicious and I was relieved it was.

After we ate we paid and walked out of the snackbar. We took the bus to the nearest train station and exhausted we both sat down in the train and looked at each other. I was so lucky for being here and that was due to her mother. Freya was the best and may god bless her soul forever and forgive any sins she has done.

"Is that Matthew?" Vivien asked shocked as she pointed outside. He was fighting some other boys and I nodded. We both ran out of the train and tried stopping the boys. Matthew looked surprised by seeing me and his sister. His lip was bleeding and I could read the anger from his face. When I tried stopping one boy he knocked me down. I took a few steps backwards and the next thing I knew was that Matthew was on top of that boy - and was beating the shit out of him.

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