Chapter 55

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Lauren was trembling so much that she couldn't find her way to breathe. She saw herself being pushed slightly while she was sitting on the chair, completely stuck. She couldn't move and she was too scared to do so. She was scared that she may fall sooner if she even raised a finger. Lauren didn't dare to look down. She couldn't. The thought of her falling down, made her feel this sensation of fear that she had never felt in her entire life.

Matthew didn't make it...

She was going to die.

Her memories with her loved ones flashed before her eyes as realisation started kicking in. She knew whatever would happen, it would end with her falling of this rooftop. She cried softly as she imagined the short pain she would go through.

This was the worst way of dying...

She never wanted to die like this.

Her soft sobs came out as her choking on her breathe. Her chest was going up and down continually, and her tears didn't stop streaming down her cheeks.

"LAUREN!" Matthew hysterically shouted as he reached the top of the roof top. He was panting so loudly and the sweat was dripping of his forehead as his eyes were scanning the entire area for Lauren.

His mind was blank. The only thing he thought of was the safety of the only girl he had ever loved. He hated the thought of god. He hated to rely on something that never seemed to favour him but today was the only time he prayed to god. He prayed, hoping he would listen and safe her.

"Lauren..." He breathed out sharply when he saw her sitting down in the chair that slowly was going down by each second.

His legs felt weak but he didn't stop himself from running towards her. He ran so fast that he didn't even realise that she was almost falling off. Lauren let out a loud scream when she felt her body falling back along with the chair. Matthew's eyes widened and he quickly grabbed her by her arm, trying to hold her up.

The weak chair fell apart broken and Lauren looked down as she saw the remainders falling down. Her heart was beating up her throat when she felt herself hanging down. The only thing that prevented her from falling down was Matthew.

Her tears streamed down her cheeks as she looked up to him. His face said it all. He was terrified. His eyes were widened and for some reason, he was awfully pale. She didn't know whether it was because he was so afraid or if something had happened to him.

That's when she realised that the blood was dripping of his arm down to the grip he hold of her hand. The trail of blood found it's way to Lauren's arm and she widened her eyes out of shock. She shook her head slightly as she looked at Matthew.

"W-What?" She stuttered her words as she looked at him in the same surprised yet shocked expression. She knew that he got shot. Matthew breathed out as he tightened his grip around her arm and tried pulling her up but he was too weak.

He hissed in pain as soon as he felt the aching pain when he tried pulling her up. His arm wasn't able to support him. He exhaled sharply while he looked at Lauren.

"Don't worry. I got you..." He whispered and Lauren's tears still slid down her cheeks as she hurtfully looked at the man she loved so much.

"Let me go..." She said softly and Matthew quickly shook his head. He looked dumbfounded by Lauren's reply.

"You will just fall with me! Just let me go, Matthew!" Lauren cried out. She tried removing his hand with her other hand that was just hanging next to her body.

Matthew tried pushing her hand away as he kept on shaking his head, terrified that she might fall.

"Stop this!" He shouted at her angrily while Lauren was still desperate to let go of his hand. He breathed out when he felt the same pain again and lowered his body slightly which made Lauren hang a bit more down.

"Matthew... Please..." Lauren begged as she looked at the pale Matthew. He again shook his head at her and swallowed the dryness in his throat away. He sight became a bit blurry but it still didn't allow him to let go of her.

"I won't let you go." He said sternly as he looked at her. Her beautiful face became blurry by each second he looked at her and he weakly smiled at her.

"If I lose it..." His voice trailed off and Lauren looked at him afraid. She already knew what he was about to say and she didn't wanted to hear it.

"We will fall together." He finished his sentence and held a bit tighter onto her hand. Lauren shook her head as she kept on crying.

"Please, just let me go. I want you to live... I want you to live." Lauren begged the entire time but Matthew didn't give in.

"There is no life without you..." He whispered as some tears escaped his eyes. Lauren whimpered softly as the cold breeze hit her. She sobbed softly as she looked at Matthew.

"Matthew... Please..." Her voice broke down when she saw him slowly closing his eyes. She didn't fear her own death more as she did Matthew's. She would gladly die in order to save him.

"I am so sorry, Lauren... I love you..." He said softly, almost not even able to say it. Lauren wanted to caress his cheek, remove his goofy hair away from his face but she was too scared that he might lose his balance sooner.

"I love you, Matthew..." She sobbed softly and she saw him closing in on her. His body was giving up. The loss of blood was now too much for him. He was losing his consciousness.

Dominic as well as the others ran up to the roof as soon as they were sure that Ian was dead. Dominic's eyes widened when he saw Matthew almost falling down while holding Lauren.

None of them wasted a second and quickly ran up to him. Dominic held tightly onto Matthew while Harry grabbed Lauren and pulled her up quickly. She was shocked to see everyone but the first thing that rushed through her mind was the hurt Matthew.

Her eyes averted to Matthew who now passed out. She quickly kneeled down in front of him while trying to see where he got shot. She was silently crying while she looked at him. She couldn't believe what he was about to do.

He was ready to die with her.

"I am calling the ambulance." Harry quickly said before disappearing. Lauren's eyes were still focused on Matthew.

He was losing blood and luckily, it wasn't at a fast pace. She knew that he was going to be fine. Her heart felt lighter by just knowing that Matthew was going to make it out alive...

"You scared me so much..." She whispered softly when she held onto his hand. Some tears of hers fell on their hands and she heavily breathed out.


This is the last chapter of After! There will be an epilogue after this and then this story is finished too!

After | Matt DaddarioWhere stories live. Discover now