Chapter 49

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Hello everyone! Enjoy this chapter! I am literally sitting down in a golden jewellery shop right now being bored af... Shopping is not my thing!

"Lauren, where is Matthew?" Dominic asked me as he stepped a few steps closer to me. I whimpered slightly as I looked behind myself and pointed at the direction the sound came from.

"H-He ran away. I-I don't know." I stammered and stared at the trees. I saw my vision becoming slightly blurry as I felt the ground beneath me sway.

"Lauren, stay here please." Dominic said as he ran towards that direction, leaving me behind. I exhaled sharply and ran behind him without thinking.

If something had happened to him, I would never be able to forgive myself. We were making plans... Plans to go to England for a while and out of the sudden, this happens... I can't. I can't lose him.

Dominic stopped, causing me to almost run into him. I gasped softly when I saw a body laying down on the floor. My eyes slightly widened as I felt my heart rate increase.

"N-No." I stuttered and Dominic's gaze was just focused on the body as if he was scared to find out who this was.

I quickly crouched down and with my shaking hands, I touched the shoulder of the body. I gasped and fell over when I saw that it wasn't Matthew. Relief overcame and I breathed loudly.

"It isn't him." I said in a low voice. I stood up again and looked at the pale expression on Dominic's face. It looked like all the colour was drained of his face but I could see a sense of relief when he knew that this wasn't his best friend.

"Where the hell is this dick?" Dominic asked annoyed and worried. I sighed out.

"Is this how you will speak of me when I die?" I heard Matthew's voice ask. I quickly turned myself around as I faced him. His t-shirt was covered with blood and he was smirking as he looked over at Dominic.

"You're okay." I said as I quickly walked over towards him. Matthew's eyes were now focused on me and he smiled softly as he nodded his head.

"Of course I am." He said as he tucked his gun into his pants. I clenched my jaw out of anger and slapped hard across his face.

"What were you thinking?!" I shouted angrily. Matthew looked a bit startled by my reaction of relief of him being okay.

"What did you think was going to happen if you ran into a dangerous situation like this?!" I exclaimed out of anger and felt the tears burn in my eyes.

"Did you not think of me?! How I would feel if something happened to you?!"

"Lauren..." He said softly.

"Shut up." I said annoyed as I pushed him against his chest. He took a few steps backwards but didn't say anything. He just stood there and silently listened to what I was saying.

"I won't be able to live without you, Matthew." I said softly and looked down. At this moment, I couldn't look him into his eyes. I didn't wanted him to see me cry. My tears started to stream down my face slightly and I started to sob.

Matthew sighed out and came a bit closer to me, pulling me into a tight hug. I breathed out when I felt his body warmth against my body. I cried softly as I held onto him tightly and was still trembling.

"Don't do that to me again." I said and I felt Matthew nodding his head.

"I won't." He said as he still hugged me. He craved his head onto my shoulder, leaning and pulling me closer as if he was afraid that something was going to hurt me.

"You were not supposed to follow me." He said softly. 

"How could I not?" I asked and pulled out of the hug as I looked at him. My eyes were surely a bit swollen from the crying by now and red.

"I don't want you to get hurt." He said as he tucked a bit of my hair behind my ear. I blinked a few times as I stared into his hazel eyes.

"I don't want you to get hurt either." I said and Matthew chuckled softly.

"You will use my words against me." He said and I smiled softly.

"Always." I replied.

"I love you, Lauren..." He said softly, startling me a bit. My eyes slightly widened and my heart jumped when I heard his words leave his mouth.

"I love you too, Matthew." I said and he looked relieved by hearing these words. He came a bit closer and before we kissed, I heard Dominic clearing his throat.

"I will take care of the body but mate, your mother was hurt. Harry took her to the hospital and Alberto stayed with your father and sister." Dominic said, making me turn around to face him.

"Harry is here?" Matthew asked a bit startled and Dominic nodded his head.

"You might want to hear him out. I know that it wasn't ideal what he did to Vivien but there was a reason..." Dominic said soflty as if he was afraid that Matthew was going to lash out on him.

I looked at him skeptical. What kind of reason did Harry need to sexually assault Vivien? It doesn't make sense. None of it did. It wasn't an excuse. Matthew sighed out and rolled back his shoulders as he let go of me.

"I don't want to talk about it. Are my father and sister okay?" He asked and Dominic nodded his head. He looked down disappointed when Matthew again didn't listen to him.

I knew that Harry was one of their closets friends but Vivien was Matthew's little sister. His blood. He would never be able to forgive him. I knew him like that... If I were in his shoes, I might not be able to forgive Harry too.

"Hey, look at me, Lauren." Matthew said, making me turn around. He held my face with both of his hands.

"I will drop you home and you have to stay there okay? Don't come looking for us. We have to take care of this and I have to see my mother after it." Matthew said as he stared into my eyes. Before I could protest against his idea, he softly and gently pressed his lips against mine.

"Please don't be stubborn and listen to me this once." He begged and I sighed as I nodded my head.

"Okay..." I said softly.

"Just please... be careful and come back to me." I said and Matthew nodded his head.

"I always find my way back to you." He said and I laughed softly.

"You do." I said.

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