Chapter 4

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As Vivien showed me around everywhere, I started to realise how different it was from London but I did not really complain about. I actually liked it even more than in London.

The students were louder than the ones in London. They had so many classrooms. It almost looked like a maze in here. Looking at the students there were different. I guess I could say that they were more open about how they really were than in London.

"Well, what is your first lesson?" Vivien asked me which made me snap out of my thoughts. I quickly looked at the paper that I was given. My timetable was written on it and it said that I had science.

I enjoyed doing science. Especially because it was related to the job that I wanted to do. I wanted to become a surgeon. Helping and fixing others would make my day better. I know it would because I always hoped that someone would give me good news about my father or help him out but it was too late for him...

"Science." I said and Vivien sighed. Her answer made me realise that we were not in the same class which made me feel anxious. I did not want to run around as the new girl because that would just make me feel so awkward. I don't like attention from others and knowing that I was probably different from them made me feel even more anxious, that meant that I was going to stand out from the others which I really did not want to...

"I have English." She said and from her voice of tone, I could tell that she was disappointed at the person who made my timetable. I gave her a small smile.

"When do you have a break?" She asked me quickly. I looked at my timetable.

"Two o'clock," I said as I read my timetable. Her lips curled up and she smiled. That was a good sign because it meant that we had a break together.

"Yes! I will see you at two o'clock and if you need me, message me!" She shouted before disappearing behind a door. I chuckled and tried finding the classroom I was supposed to be in but it was harder than I expected it to be. As I already said, it was like a maze out here...

I walked faster and faster because I was getting late. Being new and getting late was not a good impression. I wish Vivien had brought me to my classroom because now I was wandering around like a lost puppy. I bumped into someone and sighed annoyed.

"Oh, I am really sorry." I heard the guy say and I mentally rolled my eyes. I looked up and saw that the guy had blue eyes and blonde hair.

"Oh, you are a new face." He said and I already felt uncomfortable knowing that this guy knew that I was new.

"Euhm... How do you know that?" I asked and I wished I could slap myself in the face because he started laughing at my stupidy.

"Because the classes have started for a few weeks now and I did not see you around until now. By the way, I am Dominic but you can call me Dom." He said and smiled. I would be lying to myself if I said that he was not attractive. He was and god how good looking.

"I euhm. I am Lauren." I said and he smiled. I looked at my hands and then again looked at him. I was not really sure what I need to stay right now. I was stuck with a good looking guy and had an awkward silence going - and I was getting late for my class. This was really not good.

"Where are you headed too?" He asked. It seemed like he knew I was lost. The new girl who was lost. Fuck my life.

"Euhm... Science. I just can't find it. It is a maze in here." I said and he laughed.

"I got you." He said and started walking. Confused, I looked at him and did not realise that he was bringing me to my class until he turned around and said "What are you waiting for?" and laughed again at me. I felt so stupid but so stupid...

"Euhm... Yes, I am sorry." I said and quickly walked behind him. He stopped in front of a class and before he could say anything I heard a familiar voice calling for Dom.

"Dom!" I turned myself around and so did Dom. I saw Matthew walking towards us and his facial expression seemed a bit off. Did these two know each other?

"You know Lauren?" Matthew asked Dom out of curiosity. Dom smiled and looked at me.

"Just like in the movies, she bumped into me and I couldn't stop myself from getting to know her," Dominic said and I could feel my cheeks burning up. A small smile appeared around my lips and I looked down. Was I getting shy? Oh hell no...

"Oh really?" Matthew asked and looked at me. I looked at him and I could tell that he was not happy. His body language made that obvious.

"Yeah but she is getting late, Mate." Dom said and I gasped. They both looked at me confused. I just caught that his accent was British.

"You are British, aren't you?" I asked and Dominic smiled.

"I was waiting for you to realise it." He said and I laughed. This made me feel like I was not the only British one walking around in this university. It somehow made me feel relieved and not alone.

"Well, if you two are done flirting. I need to get to my class." Matthew said and pushed both of us away and walked inside the class. I looked at Dominic and smiled.

"I am glad that I am not the only one here," I said and he nodded. He gave me a piece of paper and as I unfolded it, it showed a number. I knew it was his. I was not even here at the campus for a half an hour and someone already gave me their number.

"If you need me or just want to talk. Here you have my number." He said and winked at me before leaving me in front of the door. I felt my heart beating rapidly and sighed in and out to relax.

I walked into the class and immediately everyone's eyes were focused on me. I felt uncomfortable as everyone was staring at me and I almost let out a big gasp as I felt the anxiety getting into me. The teacher looked at me and gave me a warming smile.

"This is Lauren Weston. She is new here. Make sure to welcome her here!" He said. He did not even ask me why I was late. I guess that was the advantage of being new here.

"Pssst, new girl." Someone whispered out loud as I was walking to my seat. I looked at the person who was whispering at me and it was a guy.

"I am Alberto. Vivien her best friend. Come to sit next to me." He said. I did not want to be rude and decline his kind offer. He seemed nice. I could tell why Vivien would have him as her best friend.

"I am-" "Lauren, I know. Vivien told me. Welcome to America." He said without letting me finishing off my sentence. He had the same enthusiasm as Vivien. I saw the similarity between them already.

"She did not tell me that you were in the same science class as me. I just caught it up from your name. You are really as beautiful as Vivien had described you to be." Alberto said and I chuckled. It was weird that he was there out of nowhere but I liked his personality.

"Thank you. I wish Vivien had told me about you so I wouldn't be caught off guard by your approach." I said while chuckling. I regretted saying that because it sounded good in my mind but bad as I spoke it out - but it was already too late. I had said my words.

"Oh, I am really sorry." He said and I shook my head immediately.

"Please, do not apologise. I did not mean it in a bad way. I am just really relieved that I have someone like you in my class." I said and a small smile appeared on his lips as he heard my spoken words.

"I am glad I did not sound too freaky." He said and laughed. I could help but to laugh as well. He was funny and kind. I could see myself getting along with him. This year wouldn't be so bad.

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