Chapter 25

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[Sorry that I am again a bit inactive. My college has started and it is such a mess... I hope all of you can understand where I am coming from... Please don't stop reading, commenting or voting... I am really trying my best.]

As I ran inside, I saw Matthew holding up a gun against a guy that wasn't familiar to me. I guessed it was David. I saw Luke and his small puppy eyes quickly looked over at me. It was full of tears and his small hands were slightly shaking. My mother held Luke, protecting as if she was a shield. I saw David now holding up a gun towards my mother and little brother.

"Oh that's your girlfriend who everyone is delighted to meet." David said. Something about his voice was so dark. It made my skin tingle and shiver.

"Shut up, David. You got me. Now let her family go." Matthew said and I quickly shook my head. I saw Matthew rolling his eyes when he saw my reaction. I could see that he was annoyed with me but at this point I couldn't care less what Matthew was thinking or doing.

"I think your girlfriend has different plans." David smiled. I moved towards him but he screamed at me, threatening that he would shoot my mother if I would come closer.

"Okay, I will stay here." I said quickly when I saw his reaction.

"Lauren, go outside." Matthew said throughout his teeth but I ignored him.

"David, please don't do this." I said as I was looking at him. David looked at me and then started to laugh.

"That's what everyone says when they are in this position." He said and now held the gun at Matthew which made me gasp.

"No, don't!" I quickly shouted in fear. I didn't want him to get hurt. David laughed loudly and his laugh just made me shiver. It was dark... As if he knew what kind of an impact he had on me.

"Well, then I will kill him." He said and now held the gun towards Luke. I quickly shook my head.

"No one has to get hurt... We can just walk away from here." I said and David laughed again.

"Did Matthew not teach you? In our line of work, death is necessary." David said and Matthew was now looking at me.

His eyes were full of rage. I could tell that he was beyond annoyed with me and if he could, he would have killed me himself.

Matthew jerked me away and held a gun up to David's head.

"Put your gun down, David." Matthew said and David chuckled as he looked over at Luke and my mother.

"You are making a mistake, Daddario." He said and I could see that he was pulling the trigger. I saw Harry running towards him which caused him to tackle David. I heard a gunshot firing and my heart froze again.

"LUKE! MUM!" I shouted and Matthew was still ducking down, in case if Harry had failed. I wanted to stand up but Matthew pulled me down again.

"Do you have a death wish?" He asked angrily. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were still full of rage. I just looked at him sadly and then looked down.

"W-what if something happened?" I asked in fear. I saw Matthew's eyes changing. He sighed and just pulled me closer to them.

"I told you. I won't let anything bad happen to them." He said and I just looked down. I heard someone moving and for a second I thought it was David but when I saw Harry looking at us, I sighed out of relief.

"Where is David?" Matthew asked and Harry gave him a look. I felt like by now I knew what that look meant. David was probably dead...

"My mother and brother?" I asked and Harry just pointed in a direction. I quickly stood up and ran towards the direction that Harry was pointing at.

I saw my mother holding Luke tightly and I could tell that she was still afraid. I saw David laying down on the floor but he was still alive. He was breathing in and out. He was holding his right leg which I assumed he got shot in.

"Mum? Luke?" I asked out of relief as I ran towards them. My mother looked up and let go of Luke who was now running towards me.

I laughed when Luke's small body bounced on mine and I held him tightly. It was good to see him again, to finally hold him again... Luke was giggling softly and then again looked at me before he looked over at David.

"That man wanted to hurt us." He said and I nodded.

"I know but I was here. I wouldn't let anything happen to you." I said with a smile on my face as I was holding with both of my hands Luke's face. Luke was smiling and then quickly hugged me again.

"Lauren?" I heard my mother ask. I looked up before she walked over to me. Her eyes were filled with tears and she quickly hugged me.

"What is all this?" She asked. I looked behind me as I saw Matthew looking at us. I gave him a small smile which he returned as well. I turned myself around to face my mother.

"Matthew... He is involved in all of this... He is just trying to help his friend... Back in America, some guys were after me... Thinking if they could hurt me they would get to Matthew." I said softly and my mother frowned.

"Are you guys together?" She asked confused.

"What?! No! No. We are not." I said and I could see the amusement on my mother's face. I liked Matthew... I knew he didn't like me... There was no point in it.

"Well, I am sure it will come." She said and I just shook my head.

"How are you not freaked out by this? Why are you not angry?" I asked in surprise. I saw my mother's facial expression changing which made me wish I hadn't said a word.

"Because I am used to this... This is how your father and I met..." She said softly. I frowned.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. I knew that my mother had an addiction and I knew she got it mostly from people who were involved in gangs but I had no idea that she was a part of it... My father was a part of it...

"That's how all of us met... Matthew's parents and I... That's how all of us got to know each other. What did Matthew tell you?" She asked confused and I was getting angry by each second I was listening to my mother.

Did he lie to me? Again.

"What?" I asked confused.

"He should tell you himself but whatever he told you wasn't true." She said and I turned myself around to look at Matthew who was now playing with Luke.

[Matthew lied to Lauren? What do you think is the truth? Let me know in the comments and please make sure to vote!]

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