Chapter 8

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I let all my emotions out. I was missing my brother and mother - and on top of that, I was getting reminded the whole time that I was not welcome here at all. Matthew hated me and I did not know why. I haven't done anything to him. Loud sobs were all that you could hear in this silent bathroom. Until I heard someone flush the toilet. My eyes widened and I wanted to hide but I was too late. The unknown girl opened the door and came out.

"Are you okay?" She asked me out of curiosity. She had red hair which made her look fierce and confident but her voice of tone made her come over like a sweet and innocent girl. I nodded as I bit my underlip. I was not okay at all and she could see that. Why was I so emotional now?

She washed her hands and without saying anything else she gave me a warming hug. The gesture showed that she was willing to be here for me if I opened up to her but how could I if I did not know her? Looking at Dominic, Alberto and Vivien they were nice so she might be too. Not everyone was just like Matthew.

"I am missing my home and yeah... Matthew does not really make it easy for me." I said as she pulled out of the hug. I wiped away my tears on my cheek and gave her a small smile while my eyes were still tearing up.

"Matthew is a dick. Don't care about him. He is not worth it." She said and I laughed while I let out a small sob. Someone who agreed with me on this. Matthew was a total dick. 

"By the way, I am Katherine but you can call me Kat." She introduced herself with a kindhearted smile on her face. I smiled back.

"I am Lauren." I said and she smiled as she knew who I was which was kind of creepy. But I guess being involved with Matthew meant being known by everyone.

"I have heard about you. You are the new exchange student from England right?" She asked to clarify that she was right on what she was telling me. I nodded.

"Everyone is pretty curious to know who you are. Nothing special really happens here and it has been for years since we have got an exchange student from anywhere and especially this late in the year." She said and I smiled nervously. It was making me more and more uncomfortable but I knew that she did not mean anything with it. Her intentions were good.

"Yeah, I need to catch up with a lot." I said and she laughed. As I looked her I could see her beautiful green eyes.

"Let's have lunch together." She said and I looked at the time. I had a class right now.

"I am sorry... Maybe another time. I have another class right now." I said and she nodded.

"That's okay and if you ever need me." She said as she pushed a note in my hands. I smiled and nodded.

"Thank you." I said and quickly left so I wouldn't be late for my class. I have no idea where my History class is. I don't really need History but I damn enjoy the subject. I could argue about history or find something about it in just an hour. I was always so passionate about it and I never really knew why.

I looked at my written timetable which said that it was in room 'C213'. I looked at which floor I was and it said B. I quickly rushed to the staircase and started running to my class.

This was my second class that I did not knew where it was and were I came late to. I started feeling anxious about it.  I was giving a bad impression to the lectures. I was just overthinking about it. I knew I was. I was gasping for air when I finally reached the C floor. 

These staircases are a good source of exercising.

I sighed and started searching for my class. I felt like a lost puppy. I hated change. I hated it so much. I hated it that I was not familiar with my environment.

I finally found the class and knocked before walking inside the classroom. My lecturer had long brown curly hair and had glasses on. He smiled and without asking anything he told me to sit down.

I looked in the classroom to see where I could see and that's when I saw Matthew sitting down alone. I gasped in shock and thousands of questions were rambling around in my mind. Why was a guy like Matthew following boring History classes?

"Lauren, please sit down next to Matthew." My lecturer said and I squeezed my eyes closed as I nodded as well, in order to give him a answer. There was no way in hell that I wanted to sit down next to Matthew. I sighed and openend my eyes and saw Matthew looking at me. I walked towards him and sat down next to him. I swear I  felt like he was smiling.

I looked at Matthew and I could still see that his cheek was red. I hope he learned his lesson. Not did he harass me but also insulted me. He brought my self-esteem down. It was already down just because of James and Matthew was not making it easier for me.

I finally had a bit of confidence but even that was now taken away because of him. I would never make it obvious to him that I am struggling with my self-esteem. I always wanted to fight for myself and come over as confident as possible.

"I hope you have learned your lesson." I heard Matthew saying. I frowned and chuckled.

"I guess you have learned your lesson. Not otherwise." I said annoyed and paid attention to the lesson. I heard Matthew groan as he got annoyed by my comment.

I just rolled my eyes and starting making notes on the first world war. I knew the basics but what I loved most about History was that it could go deeper and as deeper we caved into it was how much more we found out what was going on. It was hard to imagine it but I would love to know more and more.

I heard someone's phone going off. I looked besides me and saw Matthew looking at his phone screen. For a second it felt like he was afraid to pick up the phone. All the colour from his face was drained but he recovered and cleared his throat - and picked up the phone.

Without saying anything else he rushed out of the classroom with everything leaving behind. Confused our lecturer looked at Matthew but did not stop him.

What the was that?

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