Chapter 27

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[Welcome back to a new chapter of After! I hope that all of you are enjoying the story because I have seen all of you commenting on it so much and it truly makes me so happy to see that. I always try to comment back but I sometimes don't see it so I am really sorry if I don't see your comment but please do keep voting and comment because it means a lot to me!]


We were already travelling back to the airport... I couldn't say goodbye to Luke because I knew that he wouldn't take it well and neither would I. I had a chance to say something to my mother but I didn't want too...

My mother knew exactly what Matthew was hiding from me. She knows whatever comes with Matthew involves a danger but she wouldn't tell me... My life was at risk and because of me, Luke's life was at stake alongside my mother's but of course, she couldn't care.

She cared about Matthew. She cared about his secrets. She wanted him to tell me... It was stupid because someone like Matthew would never do that...

I felt like I fell in love with the devil... I liked him... I loved him but I also knew that loving him could mean the end of me. He also just didn't care less about me... I mean... he would never think about me the way I think about him...

Killing David... was a shock to me... I knew that this was his work... I knew it... But I hoped that I could have maybe changed him... It was a stupid idea. Someone like Matthew doesn't care about anyone else's feelings than just himself.

"Are you alright?" I heard Dominic ask. We were in the car driving towards god knows where... I nodded and didn't bother to say something.

I could still feel David's blood being splattered on my face as soon as Matthew shot him. My hands were again slightly shaking and I looked down, hoping that I could manage them by just hiding them but it was hard because Dominic had already seen it...

"We can stop the car and you can get some fresh air if you like?" Dominic asked again and I could hear from his voice that he was concerned.

I wish that Matthew was a bit like Dominic... I wished he had shown some care...

"No, it is fine." I said and I wanted to slap myself. My voice was even shaky. I made myself cough and just smiled at Dominic.

I definitely did not look okay to anyone but how could I? Someone was murdered in front of me and I had to act as nothing had happened.

"Get over yourself, Lauren. People die." I heard Matthew say which made me angry.

"But people do not get murdered!" I shouted. I saw that Dominic and Harry were just awkwardly looking in front of them, acting like we were not even here.

"Well, they do in my work line." Matthew again answered. He was truly selfish and obnoxious.

"But not in my work line or my fucking daily life. This may seem normal to you but it isn't to me!" I shouted again and I knew if we would have been facing each other, he would have tried to scare me off with his angry look.

I probably would have slapped him because he truly has never made me so angry than he did today. He proved me wrong... He proved me wrong about him and it annoyed me.

It shouldn't be annoying me or coming as a surprise to me. I completely knew how he was. I knew how Matthew was and how he acted but I still expected some good in him.

Was I naive for that or was I just giving him a chance to prove to me that he was worth it? I don't know... He probably wasn't but him showing me how he actually was hurt me like hell because I fell in love with a guy that can't even understand his own feelings, let alone someone else's.

This all was stupid and unnecessary. I could have avoided all of this if I hadn't tried to find out what Matthew was up to or if I hadn't challenged him. I should have just paid attention to my college work and I would have been fine.

My only worries would have been exams, assignments and work but right now, I have to hold my heart, knowing that someone could be killed by the boy that I love and all of this made me feel like I was in hell already but it most likely made me feel so damn stupid.

"You are just overreacting, Lauren." Matthew replied again and I really wished that I could slap him right now.

He was lucky that he was sitting in the driver seat.

"It is not my fault that you don't understand human feelings anymore." I said annoyed and somehow it made him shut up.

After a few hours, Matthew parked somewhere. It was already getting dark and when I looked up, I saw that we were near a forest. It wasn't far off a farm I guess.

Matthew stepped out of the car and so did Harry. Both of them walked behind the car and I guess they had dumped David's body in the trunk of the car.

"What are they doing?" I asked softly as I looked at Dominic.

"We are showing them, David. We might have killed him but we still have to show respect. David is being handed over to his gang members." Dominic said and I frowned in confusion.

"You haven't killed him. Neither did Harry. This was all Matthew." I said.

"But why would you return David? I mean what if his gang members attack them now?" I asked and I started to feel anxious. I looked behind and saw Matthew talking to a tall dark man.

Dominic shook his head.

"They can't hurt us now. It would go against the rule and if they did, there will be a war between us." Dominic answered.

"And the reason why I said we killed David was that we work as a team. When one of us fucked up, we own it as a team. That's why our gang has gone for so long." He said.

"If there wasn't teamwork between us. We wouldn't have made it this far." He added and I just slowly nodded my head.

Their rules or let's say gang law was weird... It did not make sense at all but they way Dominic had explained it, it should be okay.

"Did Matthew not break the law by killing David?" I asked and Dominic shook his head.

"David took the first strike. He went after your family, trying to lure Matthew in and to kill him." Dominic said and I just widened my eyes slightly.

"What?" He asked.

"Did you really think that David would have just beaten the shit out of Matthew? Everyone wants to have that honour to kill Matthew. He is a legend in the gang history." Dominic said and I just let out a deep sigh.

"If he is such a legend, isn't he at risk of being murdered?" I asked annoyed. Dominic shook his head.

"Before you came, no one dared to do anything to Matthew because anyone who would walk in his path would end up dead but now that you are here, they may not hurt him physically but they do mentally. That's all they need to just weaken Matthew to take their chance to fight him." Dominic said and I just laughed.

"Why me? He couldn't care less if I had died." I said and Dominic chuckled.

"You really don't see it, do you?" He asked.

"I have never seen Matthew being so into a girl. Whether he likes it or not, he gets affected by you and it shows of him. His enemies were smart enough to pick that up and that's why you are in danger." Dominic said and I just rolled my eyes.

"I mean it... Matt does care for you. He would never do this for someone else. You are special to him." He added again and I just sighed.

I don't even know what to think anymore...

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