Chapter 36

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I never upload this often but quarantine got me really bored but also, I got spare time which allows me to write and edit so enjoy!


When I walked out of Lauren's room, I smiled. I couldn't believe that I was actually smiling like an idiot because of one kiss with a girl. Normally, I don't care. I never do but something about Lauren makes me want to care...

She scared me and I knew it was my fault that she was put in that position at first anyway but she scared me... I was scared that I lost her... That something had happened and that she wouldn't return back to me. I sighed and walked down from the stairs. 

When I reached the living room, I heard someone coming through the door. I frowned when I heard someone sob. I walked towards the front door and saw Vivien soaked wet. Her eyeliner was leaked. Her whole make up was. 

"Vivien?" I asked a bit shocked. She looked horrible. She was pretty. She always has been but she truly looked horrible right now. 

"Leave me alone." She sobbed. She was trying to make her way to the stairs but some reason she couldn't help herself.

"Are you drunk?" I asked confused and mad at the same time. Vivien immediately looked at me and I have never seen her give this kind of a dirty look to anyone. If looks could kill, I would have dropped dead. 

"You are not going to teach me a lesson about being drunk!" She shouted but her words were more falling apart. I barely could make sense of it. I could see was that she was upset and it hurt me to see her like this. Three women that could break my heart... My mother, my sister and now even Lauren. 

God, they made me weak as hell but I still loved them... I loved them... I loved her... 

I gasped when I realised that I loved Lauren. My eyes widened due to the realisation and I felt like I had just hit myself with a rock. How the hell did I fall in love? I heard Vivien chuckle which made me snap out of my thoughts. I looked at her and she was trying again to reach the stairs.

"Vivien. Wait." I said as I walked towards her and helped her. 

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" She screamed and yanked her arm away from me which almost caused her to fall.

"Vivien! Please! Let me help you..." I said softly. I had never seen Vivien like this. I know that I took her for granted... A lot but I loved her more than anything. Even if I didn't show it to her... She should have known that... She is my sister. 

"What's wrong?" I heard Lauren's voice ask. When I looked up at the staircase, I saw her standing up... In my clothes... I saw Vivien looking at her and I saw the shock in her eyes as if she didn't see this coming... 

"Of course. You already jumped in bed with him didn't you?!" She shouted at Lauren. I could see the confusion in Lauren's face but it didn't take her long to realise that Vivien was drunk.

"Vivien. I didn't-" "When you told me that you liked him. I should have known. My brother jumps with every friend of mine in bed. He has ruined their lives, broke their hearts and I lost a friend. Every. Single. Time." Vivien interrupted Lauren.

Lauren's eyes widened in shock when Vivien mentioned her liking me and to be honest, it made me feel special. I don't know why. There was this happiness I felt when I knew that Lauren liked me but hearing the hurt in Vivien's voice. I could tell that she wasn't happy... with me.

"Move away!" Vivien shouted as she went up the stairs and pushed Lauren aside. I followed her quickly and held onto Lauren, making sure she wouldn't get hurt.

"Matthew... I..." She said softly. I could see that she was hurt and ashamed but I knew I had to be there for Vivien... She needed me. She has been needing me for a long time and I wasn't there. This was my fault. Not hers.

"I will speak to her... Just go get some rest." I said and Lauren just looked at me before nodding. Lauren walked to her own room and I walked towards Vivien's.

"Open the door Vivien..." I said softly as I knocked on her door. She closed the door and I couldn't get inside. Unless, if I break the door which my mother would kill me for so that wasn't a option.

"Matthew. Go. Away." She said word by word and I sighed.

"Remember when we were small. I broke on of your barbies. You didn't speak to me for weeks but then you came around..." I said softly.

"My friends are not some barbies, you dick." She said annoyed and I sighed all over again.

"That wasn't what I meant." I said.

"I know that I hurt you. I know I am not the best brother and I am selfish but I love you... a lot... I am sorry that I couldn't see that you needed me." I said softly. I could hear the door unlock and slowly Vivien opened the door.

"You mean that?" She asked as she looked at me. I nodded. She sighed and sobbed. Without any hesitation, I quickly pulled her into a hug. I could hear her cry but she needed this. I know she did. I don't know what happened but I know that I was going to be here for her no matter what.

"Are you playing around with Lauren?" I heard her ask. It took me by surprise. It made my heart jump by only hearing her name. 

"I don't know what it is... I feel something for her and it is strong. I just can't describe it in words..." I said softly and saw my sister looking at me.

"She likes you... Don't break her... Like you did with the others." Vivien said and by the thought of hurting Lauren, I was ready to curse myself. I know that I would never want to hurt her... I wouldn't be able to bring myself up to it.

"I won't. I promise." I said and Vivien smiled. We walked inside her room and sat down on her bed. She was looking at me with her red eyes and I couldn't help but wanting to know what happened. I don't know if she would tell me but I wanted to be there for her... I couldn't see her like this... 

"What happened..." I asked softly as I held her hand. I could see that she was surprised that I asked her. She swallowed and blinked her eyes a few times. She looked terrified. 

"I went to this party..." She said and I know which one she was talking about. The one I ditched. I was always going to frat parties etc. You can call it up but I never wanted Vivien to be there. Just because of the gang shit. I was afraid that she would get hurt.

"I don't know how or when but I got drunk... Really drunk... Someone got close to me and we made out...." Vivien said and she sobbed. She looked down in shame. I felt weird hearing this but I couldn't imagine how weird she felt when it came to me and Lauren.

"We went to this room. I thought that we would just make out or whatever. He started undressing me..." She said and she stopped talking. I know where she was going.

"He raped me." She cried as she looked at me. I don't know why but my eyes widened and I clenched my jaw. I hugged her and Vivien started crying in my chest. I held her tight as if my arms where a shield to protect her... 

"Who was it?" I asked quickly as I looked at her again. I could feel myself getting angry and my rage was my strength. I will kill this person.

"I can't..." She said softly. She looked away from me and I could see her shiver. She shook her head and moved her head away from me. Why was she so afraid? 

"No." I said as I moved her head with my finger again towards me. 

"You need to tell me. Do you understand?" I asked as I looked her into her eyes. I could see that she was scared. She wasn't just scared but terrified.

"Who is it?" I asked again as I was still looking deeply into her eyes so she would tell me who it was and I hope that it was going to work. I hope that she would tell me. Vivien sobbed and held onto my hand. I could feel her shake at this time.

"I won't let anything happen to you. I will always protect you." I said and she nodded her head as some tears were streaming down her cheeks.

"Please, tell me who it is." I begged her and she sighed. She held onto me tightly as she looked at me with her red eyes.


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