Chapter 54

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So the story will start from a third point of view. I can put more to perspective like that but make yourselves ready for this chapter!!!!

A few hours passed by ever since Lauren was abducted by Ian. Matthew was restless and he couldn't think straight anymore. He was afraid what she was going through. His mind wasn't progressing anything. He was blank. Whereas Lauren was trying to think or believe what Matthew had done to Ian's girlfriend.

Was it all true? , She asked herself many times, trying to make sense of everything. The sudden words of her mother roamed around in her mind. That she didn't know what Matthew was up too and she was right.

Lauren didn't know.

She didn't know anything at all.

Her eyes were definitely swollen from the crying. Her wrists were aching because of the amount of times she had tried to get lose but each time, it just got tighter.

She whimpered softly as she had lost the hope of Matthew coming back to her. It wasn't that he didn't wanted too. She was sure that Matthew was trying everything in his power to find her. He just couldn't... He couldn't find her and it terrified her. Each second she spent alone in here, she grew more scared.

"Is she really there?" Matthew asked as he looked up to Dominic who was hesitant to answer his question.

"Dominic! Is she there?!" Matthew shouted and suddenly raised his voice when Dominic didn't answer him back. He sighed out deeply before nodding his head.

"Yes..." He replied softly. Matthew clenched his jaw as he thought why Ian would choose that very place to bring Lauren too.

It was because of that one mission. The old abandoned factory where he had his mission and where Ian's girlfriend had died. Matthew frustratedly sighed out before rubbing his temple. He felt like he was going to break down because he knew very well what Ian was trying to do. He knew what he was going to do.

He would kill Lauren in front of him.

To make Matthew feel the same loss, he had felt a few years ago.

Matthew looked shocked at the unknown girl who came in between of him and the bullet. Literally defending Matthew with her own body. Matthew widened his eyes and quickly ran towards her while holding onto her small body in his hand.

"What the hell did you do that for?" Matthew asked a bit angrily. The beautifully blondish girl weakly smiled before she coughed some blood out.

"To prevent Ian from doing something that he would regret for the rest of his life..." She said softly and gasped for air as she felt the blood coming up, almost choking her.

"W-What?" He stammered. Matthew looked confused at her until he realised who this was. This was Zoe. Ian's girlfriend.

"He was meant to kill you. I tried changing his mind but... You need to believe me. He didn't wanted to do it... He was forced." She cried softly while she was uttering her words out, making it harder for her to breathe.

"I-It's okay. I believe you." Matthew stuttered and he meant it. The dying girl in his arms was heart broken and before he knew, she fell unconscious and no matter what he did, she wouldn't wake up anymore.

She was dead.

"What the fuck have you done?!" Ian asked angrily as he came and looked at Zoe. He felt like his entire world had collapsed. He felt his knees becoming weak and felt like he could pass out anytime. His eyes were focused on her lifeless body while Matthew himself was covered in blood.

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