The thing about Luci(fer)

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Sup peeps! Just somethin' that's been swimmin' around my head that I thought would be a fun little possibility. Here goes nothin'!





Just what was that?


Groggily, I blinked the sleep from my eyes, grabbing for the thing interrupting what was supposed to be a peaceful weekend.

My phone.....

"What...? But who would possibly be-?"

'Hello, Sillia. I decided it best to confirm whether or not you wanted me to fetch you. It's 12:30, and I haven't saw you yet, and your mind is....inactive. That's not an insult; I literally can't sense it. I didn't sense your soul fading out, so I know you are very much alive and in quite good shape. So, I'm going to assume you are very focused? Knowing you, I'd assume you were still sleeping and forgot, but I know i am not the only one with responsibilities. If not, I am not upset. I'm sure it takes a great deal of beauty rest to maintain such a lovely face. If it is, however, the type of slumber I feared, I will not rest until I find the woefully foolish individual who will pay the price. Tell me if you received this.'   

I couldn't help but giggle, staring at the sender's tag: 

Luci ❤️❤️❤️

My big lug....

He was so awkward ad overly formal....

But also really cute. And sweet. And pretty much the best boyfriend ever. 


I still felt so giddy saying that...

I always wanted to, and now I could....

My first boyfriend...And it just seems so out of place thinking about /who/ it is....The big bad king of hell is Sillia Vernon's first guy, and isn't big and bad at all, but actually a total sweetheart I just can't get enough of.

Oh, my Luci....

My Luci....





I screamed, eyes wide, grabbing my phone. 



I chanted, holding my phone with trembling hands, feeling, in a word, terrible.

How was I going to make this up to him? How was I going to-



"I can sense you again. I decided to call you."

"It's a good thing you did.....I'm super sorry, I overslept-um....zoned out.....Super focused...."

"I see. I caught something about pancakes, but I remembered they were your favorite food, so I didn't think much of it."

"Uh....yeah....Um....So are we still on for-"


I saw him smile....wait...saw?

"I'll pick you up now."


I ran to him, hugging him. 

"Hi! I hope I didn't leave you waiting too long..."

"No. It was worth it, my dear, for just a moment with you."

He said, his fingers blazing up, a burning rose appearing in his hands, causing my cheeks to light up light firecrackers.

"O-oh stop...."

Luci chuckled, wrapping his arms around my waist.



Before I knew it, we were somewhere else.


"Welcome back to hell, my dear. I have a surprise for you."

He said, taking my hand, leading me to a familiar sight: his castle. I seen it the first time I came here.

"It's still so pretty...."

"I'm glad you like it, my dear. As for your surprise....It's something you spoke of."

"Is it pancakes?!"




"A new gun!?"


"Brass knuckles!?"


He only laughed.

"No, no, no. It's something...a little unexpected. Now that we are together, quite seriously at that, I feel like there is a part of my life you should know about...."

"Oooh! Sharing! What is it, what is it?"

"Do you know of Beelzebub?"


"And what he is to me?"



He stepped aside, a small boy with dirty, messy hair, these small, cute little horns, a tanned face, and the weirdest eyes I'd ever seen stepped up to me, what looked like giant fly wings buzzing behind him.


"He is very much real."

"You mean...?"



He put a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Meet my son."

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