EOW post war skit: New auntie

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A lil' new gen skit I've been thinkin' about for a while. I'll expand later, but I'll just leave yah with this little gem for now. Enjoy!

The new gen gaurdians: *All on the coach, crowded around a flatscreen Tv playing videogames* 

Crow: Aw come on, Stell! Stop cheating!

Stella: I'm not! You just suck at this!

Crow: Do not! 

Stella: Tell that to our 10 game win streak! *Turns over for a high-five, who smirks and returns it*

Opal: Peasants.

Crow: Welp....my turn's up. Who's got next? 

Bell: It was supposed to be Connie's go, but she ate the controller. 

Connie: *Burp* taste funny.

Spits: Yeah, so now it's Sillia's turn, but the dope's been starin' at the frickin' wall for the past goddamn 20 minutes.

Sillia: *Still doing it, in fact*

Steele: And she's not the only one. Titania's been doing it too and I have no idea why.

Ace: Now that you guys mention it, Hikari's been awfully quiet too....More than usual, anyway.

Spits: Then let's just ask em' what their starin' at. *Turns around* OI! THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS STARIN' A-!

Sillia: SHHH!

Spits: Excuse me!?

Titania: T-they'll h-hear us....

Spits: *Raises a brow* Who will?

Sillia: *Points into the hall, where King and a scowling red-head are talking*

Spits: Whozzat?

Sillia: That's what /I/ wanna know! 

Titania: Y-yeah....It's all very m-mysterious...

Hikari: We've come up with a few theories, but we find that we should first have solid evidence to support such accusations.

Everyone else: *Fully interested by this point* Go on.....


King: Oh come on! Don't gimme that "I don't care about shit but myself" crap! You saved our ass as much as anybody, Red! Just....humor me, a while longer, yeah?

Red:Look, King, I don't know what the hell you're goin' on about, but I ain't a- Huh? *Looks over*

King: *Raises a brow* What are yah- what the? *Looks at the kids, who immediately duck and act like they aren't snooping* I know you're there, guys.

Sillia: *from around the corner* No we're not!

Opal: *Elbows her in the side* Dolt! 

Sillia: Ow hey!

Titania: Sillia, Opal, s-stop fighting! T-they'll h-hear us!

King: *Arms crossed* We already did.

Sillia: AGH! *Jumps backward in surprise, knocking everyone else over*

King: Care to explain why, kiddos?

Sillia: Um....Would you believe us if we said no particular reason?

King: Not likely, no.

Lian: How about "it's totally not about the two of you?"

King: Prolly' not.

Opal: Then perhaps none of your adult business?

King: Rude, kiddy, and to the point! Props! But no.

Titania: *squeaks* I-I d-don't t-think t-they're b-buying a-any of o-our e-excuses......

Stella: *Sighs* Well guys, looks like we'll just have to out and say it then.....

Sillia: *Extremely quickly* isthatournewaunt?

Crow: Cause, if it is, I totally wouldn't mind a super cool bounty hunter mom; that'd be AWESOME!

King and Red: *Blinking in surprise*

King:Pffft.....kahaha.....KAHAHA! KAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *Already in tears* SERIOUSLY!? THAT'S WHAT YOU THINK IS GOIN' ON HERE!? *Points between himself and Red*

Red: What the hell!? Me and this guy!? Are you out of your goddamn minds!?

King: BAHAHAHA! WELLLLP! YOU HEARD THE KIDS! THE...KAHAHAHA! JIG IS UP! *Grabs red* Gimme some sugar, wifey!

Red: *Immediately pulls out pistol* Get your hands off me you broke, smug piece'a shit!

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