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Some ideas I spit-balled with my partner in crime, the wonderful and lovely @Nicole__Williamson! I'm not quite sure what to do with them quite yet, but I think something interesting and fun can result from them, and they fit pretty well with the current month, so here they come! Enjoy!

1. Diabolic angels: You know monsters. You know nightmares. And this is just another, it seems. A horrible monster. An indescribable Eldritch horror, and all that. And that's what it is. This is a monster. A horrible monster. The /most/ horrible monster. This horrible monster, as most horrible monsters do, seem to feed on humanity and any flesh it can get it's hands on. How typical. But /this/ horrible monster can consume the very souls and forms of it's victims, and uses the purest of them as source data. With it, it creates a super being. A happy smiling face with it's own thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and prefrences. Hard not to love, no? That's the entire point. You can't stop yourself from loving them. And you know, they love you too. Which makes them the ultimate weapon. The true seed....The true hell. The perfect weakness. If you can destroy them, you can destroy it, and hell, if they knew what they were, they'd probably let you. just don't have the heart to you?

2.This world has sinners. No big surprise, right? Some truly despicable people. Heathens worse than trash. But what happens when you take the worst of them...and put them with a bunch of saints? Genuinely good people who haven't done much, if anything really worth mentioning, or are at least not bad; hey, there's redemption in being a big fat boring blank too, yah know! The rules are simple:

1. These saints are your tickets. You don't even have to consider them as people, but if you "rip" these tickets, it's over!2. If your ticket is "ripped" by another sinner or something else, it's over!3. If your ticket becomes a "person" they are no longer quite a ticket, are they? Who knows what happens then!4. Protect your ticket with your life!5. If you lose your ticket, you don't get another one!6. Kidding! But only if you've earned it.7. If you haven't, a lost ticket is lost! And you know what that means....Ovveeeer~!8. If somehow you come upon serious harm or some other unfortunate circumstance, you can bargain using your ticket. Hope you or your ticket's got a silver tongue!9. If something happens to another sinner, you can A) capitalize upon it, and prove how garbage you really are, or B) be a good Samaritan, and who knows? You might just be rewarded~!10. You will be! Learning how to clean up your act is what this is all about right? There's rewards in it for you! Not to mention that lil' tingly feeling you probably aren't that well aquianted with called "not sucking!" Anyway, that's all for now! Do your best, and try to /become/ your best! Ciao~!-Radio gal(Yup, another one of my "trapped in a odd scenario with a really annoying voice in your head guiding you, even though it's probably their fault you're here to begin with" scenarios)

3.Wizards....Magic....Witchcraft.....All of it is real. But what if I were to tell you that wizards weren't just humans with a little hocus-pocus? The witch-hunters of Salem were correct: They were monsters, beasts and creatures. In fact.....Salem started a revolution. They hunted these creatures, and started a secret war for the souls of all. However, Adira Blanche, the daughter of the High lord, the most powerful mage of all, fell in love with a mere human boy, with an odd gift: He was a null-born, a being devoid of blood, empty, but not unbroken. She and the boy fell in love, and had a child, devoid of blood but instead full of magic. This child was viewed as an abomination, but was untouchable, as the child was protected by the will of the high mage's spawn, and the null-born could not be killed. The child only grew stronger with age, and began to reshape the world as they saw fit, with as many oddities as they had. Once they had finished, they smiled upon their world, content, and disappeared from existence. However, their world lived on, and the child's child, born with only a single parent, ventured into the human world, and the queer eyes they had inherited from their parent had twisted cruelly, and, with firm resolve, had begun to spread their own seed to this world, and yet another war had begun. The seed of the odd one's spawn was unstoppable, and the only choice? To create a beast of their own. Humanity kidnapped one of the spawn's own, and held it hostage. An artist, with a strange eye for beauty saw just that in the seed, and took it back to his studio. He got to know the spawn, and soon the two were unseperable. They laughed when the other laughed, smiled when the other smiled, and cried when the other cried. The artist had convinced the seed that they could create beauty, and they were determined to do so. With their mind set, they sought the help of the artist, and the two cemented beauty in the form of a new spawn: A human blessed with the gift to see the beauty in oddity, and the spawn of a null and a mage's child: the ultimate oddity. The new oddity quelled their kin, and drove them back. With all said and done, the oddity saw that the two worlds had fallen into chaos from crossing. Resolute, they separated them once again, and cast both their sire and themselves into stone, the rift between the two worlds. However....the rift is breaking......The spawn is awake, and the oddity is crying out.....This should not happen...the worlds are once again crossing....and who knows what's going to come through?

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