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I said hey you with the red dress on
I gotta find a way to take it off
I got a lot of love and it's growing strong
When I see you with your red dress on
You in that red dress
You in that red dress  

She's wearing a red dress. 

I've been watching her for the past hour, glancing over every few seconds only to see her laughing with Brandon, her dainty hand resting on his arm as he whispers in her ear. Her eyes are crinkled up at the corners as she throws her head back laughing, her bangs hanging in her eyes. 

She's absolutely breathtaking, and I can't think of anyway to talk to her. I shouldn't even want to talk to her--I've only even known her for a week, and we've only spoken a handful of times, but God, the way she looks in that dress. 

I shake my head, clearing the thoughts from my mind as I turn my attention back to Scott. He's droning on and on about something Kristen said that pissed him off--something about how she's being so bossy about how they decorate their house. I nod my head along, sipping from the bottle of beer in my hand every once and awhile. 

She's walking over, Brandon's arm draped over her shoulders. Brandon greets Scott and I with a subtle nod of his head, Lorelei keeping her eyes on the floor. She's holding a red solo cup, a fruity liquid inside. "Hey," I say, my voice quieter than I expected.

Her eyes meet mine, so brown that they deserve a new name for the color entirely. She smiles softly, a small smile tugging on her plump lips. "Hi," She murmurs, her small hand delicately reaching up to flick her bangs out of her eyes. "Having fun?"

I smile, looking down at the bottle in my hand. "Totally," I reply, watching as Brandon moves his arm away. Maybe it's just friendly. After all, isn't he with that blonde girl? Layla, Lana, Lacey, maybe. "You want a refill?" I ask, as she drains the contents of her cup. 

Lorelei nods, turning to face Brandon. "B, I'm gonna go get something to drink," She murmurs, tugging on his sleeve lightly. Brandon nods his head, smiling down at her, a twinkle in his eyes. I can feel my jaw tightening, my hand forming a fist at my side. 

"I'll go with you," I say, following the girl off into the kitchen. It takes her awhile to navigate through the crowd of sweaty, dancing bodies, her eyes wide as she pushes past a couple. I grab her hip, squeezing lightly as I push past her to lead her towards the kitchen. Lorelei smiles, quietly thanking me as I pour her another drink. "So, you and Brandon, hm?" It comes out less casually than I wanted.

Lorelei glances up at me from over the rim of her cup, a smile playing on her lips as she takes a long sip. "Mm," She hums out, her eyes flickering away from mine for a moment before she slowly returns her gaze to mine. "Mm, no." She smiles, reaching a hand up to move her bangs out of her eyes. "I met him a little bit ago with Corinna. He was just the only person I knew here," She explains. 

I release a breath I didn't know I was holding in, nodding my head. "Cool," I say, knitting my brow. I watch as Lorelei looks down at her shoes--nude heels that make her at least two inches taller. Her eyes meet mine once more. "You look nice, by the way." 

She chews on the inside of her cheek, looking up at me with a doubtful expression. "Thanks, David," She laughs, her cheeks heating a light color of pink. "You, too." Her eyes drift down my black hoodie and black jeans, a smile on her lips. "Sometime you've got to let me pick out your outfit." 

"Definitely," I reply, watching as she smiles, her body shifting slightly closer to mine. She smells like coconut and perfume, her lips shining with gloss. Her cheeks glow as she turns her head, the lights casting a shine against her tan skin. "You should come over tomorrow," I say, without thinking. I don't have anything ready for the vlog on Friday, and she could definitely be of use in a few bits. "That way you can meet everyone. So you won't be alone at these parties," I add. 

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