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I'm flicking through Polaroids when David peeps around the corner of the living room, his eyes meeting mine. I'm sat in the kitchen, sipping lazily on a glass of wine as I section off the photos into three different stacks. "Yes?" I ask, hesitantly looking up from the picture in my hand. 

David shoots me one of his wide, signature smiles, displaying his perfect teeth and his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Corinna is here," He says, the blonde girl now poking her own head around the corner and grinning at me. 

I smile and nod my head, gesturing for them both to enter the kitchen. They look like they're up to something--grins on their lips and mischievous looks in their eyes--but I decide to give them the benefit of the doubt and say nothing. "What's up?" I ask, taking a sip from my glass. 

Corinna hums out a monotonous response while David just grins down at his lap. "What are you doing?" David asks, finally looking up at me. I raise a brow, humming out a noise as I point to the stacks of pictures on the tabletop. 

"Trying to figure out which pictures to keep and which to throw out," I say, holding up a Polaroid I'd snapped while David had slept peacefully, Astley curled up in his arms. "For instance, this one I'm definitely keeping."

David grins, letting out a light laugh. "Boring," Corinna declares, crossing her arms over her chest playfully. "I assume you forgot why I'm here?" She gives me a faux angry expression. I purse my lips, trying to wrack my brain. Corinna rolls her eyes. "Halloween costumes, dipshit!"

I let out a laugh. "Oh!" I giggle, putting down the pictures. "Okay, okay. Any ideas?" I ask, leaning across the table to squeeze David's hand. He smiles over at me, blowing me a kiss as Corinna rattles off a list of her ideas. I pretend to catch his kiss, sliding it down to hide the imaginary kiss in my pocket for later. 

"Pay attention to me!" Corinna cries, pouting out her bottom lip. I laugh, nodding my head. 

"Look, Corinna, you can pick out what we wear. I'll be fine with anything, honestly," I say, smiling over at my friend. Corinna nods her head, humming contently as she stands up. 

"Well, now that you've said that, I'll get to work. See ya later, lovebirds," She waves to David and I as she waltzes out of my apartment, Astley barking at her from his spot on the dog bed. I laugh quietly, shaking my head as I stand up. 

"Baby," David calls after me as I wash my wine glass. I glance over my shoulder at him, raising a brow. "Do you wanna go cuddle?" He asks, smiling innocently up at me. I smile, nodding my head. 

"Sure, Davey," I answer, laughing softly as I motion towards the bedroom. "Go ahead, bub." 

David stands up, stretching out his long legs before making his way over to me. He plants a kiss on my lips, what's meant to be a soft kiss but ends up being so much more. I turn to face him, draping my arms over his shoulders as his hands grope at my butt, his tongue teasingly swiping over my bottom lip. I slip my hands under his shirt, my cold skin against his causing him to shiver against me. 

I reluctantly release him, smiling shyly up and David before making my way into the bedroom. I climb up onto my comfortable bed, tucking my legs under the comforter just as David crawls into bed beside me. He wraps his long arms around my waist, pulling my body up against his. I let out a content sigh, tilting my chin up so that my lips meet David's, our mouths slotting together. "I love you," I whisper, trailing my kisses over his cheeks and down to his jaw. 

David smiles, his hand lowering to rest on my hip, squeezing lightly. "I love you," David replies. My heart flutters in my chest, my head lowering to rest on his shoulder. "Hey, Lorelei?" David asks, after a moment. 

"Hm?" I hum out, tilting my chin up to look into David's chocolatey eyes.

David bites his bottom lip. He looks a little nervous, his cheeks a bashful shade of pink. "Do you, um, maybe want to meet my family for Thanksgiving?" I can feel a warm blush spread throughout my body at his question. It seems a bit soon--we've only been together for a little over a month, but I do, really, really want to meet his family. 

I nod my head. "Yes," I say, my hand slipping to interlock with his. "I'd love to, David," I smile, kissing his jaw lightly. 

His smile widens. "Cool," David says, bringing his lips down to meet mine. "I can't wait," He admits, looking down at me. His eyes are my new favorite color, warm shades of melted chocolate swirling together, his lips my favorite texture and his body my favorite shape. "They're going to love you, princess."

I grin, slipping my arms around him, one of my legs nudging between his. "I hope so," I whisper, pressing gentle kisses on David's shoulder. "I've never been to Chicago." 

"I can't wait to take you," David's hand squeezes mine. "I'm gonna show you all my favorite places." His lips press against my forehead. "I love you, Lorelei. So fucking much." 

I smile, nodding my head. "I love you, Davey." 


im so glad that people are actually liking this wtf??? and i'm sorry that all the chapters are kinda similar i just effing love david dobrik and i love writing cute little fluffy chapters and i cant write drama for shit. buT ANYWAYS SInce people actually seem to like this story, i'll try to get a few chapters out every week. ilysm thank u for reading and liking it makes me so happy ooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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