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"I'm here!" I call as I walk into David's house, his spare key in my hand. I set my things down on the table in the kitchen as I walk in, taking a moment to look in the mirror and fix my hair before making a bee-line for the living room. Surprisingly, my boyfriend isn't sitting on the couch editing.

I frown, shrugging my shoulders as I begin to wander the big house. Natalie is sitting outside by the pool and I spot her on my way past the glass sliding doors, so I stop and peek my head out to question David's whereabouts. "He's been in the bathroom throwing up for hours," Natalie tells me, giving me a sympathetic smile as I grimace. "Good luck, L," She tells me, letting out a light laugh as she returns her gaze to her phone.

With a sigh, I head back inside, closing the door behind me. I make my way to David's bedroom, setting my phone down on his bed before walking to the en suite bathroom door, rapping my knuckles against the wood softly. I can hear him retching inside, the noise horrid in my ears. "Baby, it's me," I call, my voice soft and gentle. 

"Go away," David says, his voice feeble and weak. "I don't want you to see me like this." He sounds so horribly broken that I can practically feel my heart shatter in my chest. 

I shake my head, biting my bottom lip as my hand curls around the cool doorknob. "I'm coming in, bub," I say, pushing the door open. My eyes soften as they land on David, his body hunched over the toilet. His eyes are red and puffy, his cheeks flushed from illness and his hair a mess atop his sweaty forehead. He physically turns away when he sees me, letting out a quiet whimper. 

I kneel down beside him, rubbing his back gently. "It's okay, my love," I whisper, kissing his shoulder lightly. His skin is hot under my touch, despite the house being decently cool and his clothing scarce. He's not wearing a shirt, a thin pair of gym shorts covering his long legs. "It's okay," I promise, standing up and walking over to the sink. I run a washcloth under cool water, taking a moment to wring it out before kneeling down beside David once more. "Look at me, Davey," I say.

When he makes no move to do so, I cup his jaw in my hand and turn his face towards me. I run the cloth over his forehead, the boy's eyes fluttering shut at the sudden relief. I smile, shaking my head as I run the cloth over his face, wiping away the sick and sweat on his skin. I reach over with my free hand to flush the toilet, sighing as I look down at my sick boyfriend. "How long have you felt ill, baby?"

David shakes his head, shrugging his shoulders weakly. "I don't know. I had a fever yesterday but I woke up sick." His voice is quiet and weak, his eyes turned down at his lap, a low whimper passing his lips as another wave of nausea rolls over him. 

"What do you want, Dave? How about you take a cold shower and I run to the store and get you some gatorade, hm?" I rub his back gently, leaning in to kiss his forehead. David limply nods his head, too weak to object. 

I smile and stand up, wiping my hands off on my leggings before I help David up. I help him out of his shorts, running my fingers through his matted hair. "Alright, bub. I love you. I'll be back in a few minutes, okay?" David nods once more, nearly tripping as he kicks his boxers off. I watch as he steps into the shower, whimpering as the cold water hits his hot skin. 

I take David's Tesla to the nearest Walmart, buying a few bottles of Gatorade and a bottle of ibuprofen, as well as grabbing a few ingredients for soup just in case he felt like eating at some point later tonight. After checking out I rushed home, arriving just in time to see David stumbling out of the bathroom and into his bedroom, a towel wrapped around his waist. 

I select a pair of his Clickbait sweatpants and a clean pair of boxers and help him get dressed, sitting him down on the bed to comb out his wet hair with my fingers. I pepper kisses over his face, whispering soothing words in his ear as I help him under the covers. I manage to get a few pills in David, as well as a few sips from a bottle of Gatorade before he refuses to drink more, curling up on his side. "Is there anything I can do for you, bubba?" I ask, unable to get the frown off my lips as I look down at the sick man.

"I jus' wanna cuddle," David murmurs, making grabby hands towards me. I smile and shake my head, nevertheless crawling under the covers with him. "Can I be little spoon?" David asks shyly, his eyes gazing into mine. My smile widens.

"Of course, bub, anything for you," I press a gentle kiss to his lips and then to the tip of his nose before rolling onto my side and wrapping my arm around his waist, wedging one of my legs between his. David rests his head on my chest, his eyes fluttering shut as my hand rubs gentle shapes into the skin of his back, my lips pressing a light kiss on the top of his head. "Do you wanna watch some TV?" I ask. 

David nods, although his eyes remain shut. I smile and reach over to grab the remote off the nightstand, turning the TV on. I flicker through channels for a bit before we decide on watching Queer Eye on Netflix, my nails scraping across David's scalp as I comb my fingers through his hair, David dozing off in my arms. 

"I love you," David murmurs sleepily, his head nestled on my chest, his own chest heaving with every inhale and falling with every exhale. I smile, gazing down at the man. His eyes are closed, his eyelashes casting shadows against his cheeks. A slight stubble has grown on his jaw, his lips parted slightly as he attempts to breathe through his stuffy nose. "So much," He whispers, when I don't say anything in response. "You're my whole world." He pauses, sniffling. "And Astley." 

I bow my head to kiss his lips gently. "I love you, Davey. You're my sun, my moon, and all my stars." I kiss his cheek. "Go to sleep, love. I'll make you some soup later, okay? And we'll watch FRIENDS and you can be the little spoon again, aright? I love you, baby." 

David sluggishly nods his head. I can tell that he's fighting off sleep, and so I stop talking and instead return my gaze to the television, turning the volume down a few notches. David drifts off to sleep a moments later, his breathing getting heavier and his body stilling against mine. 

I love him, possibly more than I've ever loved anyone else before, and that thought alone is terrifying. I can't imagine losing David. I think that if I did, I would actually die. 



oo look at that, 2 chaps in one night ;) i only have two days of school this week (because thanksgiving!! woo!!!) so i'll hopefully be able to get a few chapters pre-written. i love u all so much and thank u for reading and hOPEFULLY enjoying this story. leave a lil comment if u want, it means a lot to me. xoxoxoxo

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