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"What is taking them so damn long?" I ask, my voice a quiet whisper as I glance over at David, who's reading a US Weekly magazine as if he has no care in the world. David looks up at me, hiking his shoulders as his eyes cast over to the receptionist's desk.

"I'm sure it'll only be a few more minutes," David replies, squeezing my hand lightly. My palm is cold and clammy against his, nerves wracking my body as I stare blankly ahead at the wall. Time seems to be ticking slower than ever as we sit in the waiting room, David seemingly cool and collected while I try my best not to break into tears. "Stop tapping your foot," He says, after a moment. I hadn't even realized I'd been doing it. "You're stressing me out."

"I'm stressing you out?" I ask, scoffing quietly. David gives me a look, flipping the magazine shut and tossing it onto the small coffee table in front of us. He sets his hand on my knee, squeezing gently. "I'm sorry," I whisper, sighing. "I'm just scared."

David nods his head, scooting his chair closer to mine so that he can comfortably wrap his arm around my shoulders. I rest my head on his shoulder, taking a deep inhale. He smells like his cologne and faintly of aftershave, the smell momentarily taking my mind off the sterile scent of the doctor's office. "What are we going to do?" I ask, after a moment. "If I'm pregnant."

"We'll figure it out," David says confidently. I don't know how he's managing to stay so calm. I couldn't feign the emotion if it'd save my life. "Would it really be the worst thing if you are pregnant?" His eyes meet mine, my heart momentarily slowing down in my chest. "I mean, we're happy together. We have a nice home, and I'm able to support us and a baby financially. More than support. That kid would have everything it wanted," David pauses, his eyes briefly flickering away from mine. "I know that where I'm at in my career isn't ideal to raise a child, but we could make it work, couldn't we?"

I don't answer for a moment. "No," I say, biting down on my bottom lip. "No, it wouldn't be the worst thing. I'm just really scared, you know? This is all new to me. I don't know what to do or what to think. I never even thought of having kids until I met you."

David nods his head, squeezing my knee again. "I know," He says, kissing the top of my head. We sit in tense silence for a moment more before the door slowly swings open, revealing a doctor wearing bright yellow and pink scrubs.

"Lorelei Irving?" She chirps, looking up from the clipboard in her hands. I inhale a deep breath as David stands up, reaching out a hand towards me. I hesitantly slip my hand into his and stand, following the woman further into the building.

It takes a little over half an hour for my blood work to be processed, and a little longer for the doctor to come back with our results. The entire time David and I wait, he tries his best to keep me occupied, to keep my thoughts from wandering. He takes out his camera and films around the doctor's office, making a few puns related to the skeleton in the corner of the room. I'm nervous still, but David makes it easier.

"Alright, so we ran your blood work and did a few tests and the good news if that you're fit as a fiddle," The doctor chirps, setting the clipboard down on the counter. She moves her hands to clasp in front of her, a cheerful grin on her pink lips. "And the great news is that it looks like you're expecting a new family member. Congratulations!"

Her words knock the breath from my lungs, make my heart momentarily stop in my chest. I feel faint, feel like my heart is going to stop beating altogether. I thought that I would've been upset, thought that I would've been angry at myself, but as I tilt my chin up to look into David's eyes, my heart swells in my chest. "I'm going to be a dad," David murmurs, more to himself than me. His brown eyes are watery and cheeks pink, dark orbs remaining locked on mine.

"You are," I say in response, clasping his hand. A smile pulls across my lips and I bring a hand up to wipe the tears from my cheeks.

I'm scared. Scared is an understatement, actually, as David's hands move slowly down my sides to rest on my stomach. There's no sign of a bump, no swollen tummy and no physical indicators that there's a life inside of me, but he slips his hand under my shirt and smiles, a single tear traveling down his cheek. I'm terrified, but I know that somehow we'll make this work. "It's our little bean," David says, when the doctor walks out to finish getting us everything we need.

"Bean?" I ask, looking into David's eyes. It seems ridiculous to refer to a fetus as a bean, as anything other than what it is. A clump of undeveloped cells. "Is that what we're calling it?"

"Do you have a better idea? We can't just call it, well, it." I hesitate, my teeth briefly scraping over my bottom lip. It still doesn't feel real, it still hasn't registered in my head that there's a life inside me. I'm no longer responsible only for myself.

I shake my head, allowing a small smile to tug across my lips. Despite being absolutely terrified, I feel happy. Hopeful, even. This is a new step, a scary one definitely, but I'm more than excited to be going on a journey like this with David. "No," I say, smiling as I gaze up at him. "We'll call it bean."

soo i have a lot planned for the future of this book. it's been very soft and fluffy so far with not all that much drama, but um...that's gonna change owo i already know i'm gonna hurt my own feelings writing some of these chapters.. i love lorelei and david so much and i'm gonna hate putting them thru some of this. anyway, hope u enjoyed xoxox

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