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"Lorelei, you busy, petal?" David's voice breaks me from my trance, my eyes glued to the stack of photographs on the table in front of me. I'm supposed to be picking through my favorites to show Corinna, who decided she wants to create a photo album for Todd for Christmas, but I keep getting distracted by every little thing. 

His voice is timid and soft as he stands in the archway of the living room, his arms crossed loosely over his stomach. His bottom lip is hidden between his teeth, his eyes nervously flitting to mine. I raise a brow, looking from the man and back to the stack of photos on the coffee table. "I'm almost done, babe, we can go out to dinner in a few minutes."

"Well," David interrupts, taking a step into the living room. He wrings out his hands in front of him, his eyes bashfully meeting mine. "I was thinking maybe we could just order pizza and you could do me a little favor?" 

"What favor?" I ask, selecting a picture of Todd holding Corinna in his arms, lips on her cheek. I set that photo in one of the piles, smiling as I glance over my shoulder at David. 

David plays with his fingers, shrugging his shoulders. "Well, um, you know how you did my eyebrows before?" I nod my head, bringing my hand up to push my hair behind my ears and adjusting the straps of my camisole. "Do you think you'd be able to do them again?" His cheeks flush a light shade of red, my lips forming a gentle smile. 

"Sure, bub." I push the pictures away from me, uncrossing my legs and standing up from my position on the floor. "Let me go get my tweezers, alright? Lay on the floor." I flash him a smile, gesturing to the soft, expensive rug on David's living room floor. David reaches over to squeeze my hip as I pass by him, his fingers brushing under the fabric of my thin cami.

I smile at the man as I brush past him, making my way to the bedroom and from there the bathroom. I root through my bag for a pair of tweezers, selecting the silver tool and grabbing a little jar of moisturizer, afterwards making my way out of the bathroom.

When I come back into the living room, David is laying on the soft carpet on his back, staring up at the ceiling fan. He glances over at me as I approach him, giving me a curious look as I sit down, easing my weight down on David's stomach. My legs rest on either side of him, a smirk on David's lips as he gazes up at me. I playfully roll my eyes, leaning down to get a better view at his brows. "Good thing you asked me to help," I say, my eyes meeting his. "These brows a mess." 

"Oh, hush," David jokes, poking my stomach lightly as I pluck the first hair out of the way. David's shoulders relax as I pluck a few hairs, his body tensing up under me as I shift forward. I lean down to peck his lips. "Mm, you taste like cinnamon," He comments. 

I grin, going back to tweezing his brows. "Yeah, I made cookies," I giggle, bringing my free hand up to cup David's jaw, my eyes narrowed as I focus on getting all of the stray hairs. I dip down a bit to pluck a hair in between his brows, the man wincing and letting out a light noise. 

"That one hurt!" David mutters. I shake my head, smiling as I remove the last few hairs. "No bra?" He asks. My eyes dart up to meet his, only to find his brown orbs locked on my chest. I roll my eyes, punching his shoulder lightly. 

"Eyes up here, love," I laugh, adjusting the strap of my camisole. "And no, no bra." 

"Your face is red," I giggle, rubbing softly at the red, blotchy skin under and above his brows. I open up the small jar of coconut oil, rubbing a bit of the white stuff on the red area. "It's just coconut oil," I tell him, noticing the look on his face. "It helps with irritation and stuff," I lean down to press my lips against his. "You look good, babe."

David smiles against my mouth, his tongue creeping between my lips. I smile against him, the kiss deepening as David's hands slip down to hold my hips. I adjust my position, my bum moving against his front as my fingers tangle in David's hair, the soft curls smooth under my touch. "Natalie won't be home for another hour," David whispers, his lips attaching to my jaw, sucking and biting as he makes his way down my neck, a soft moan leaving my body. 

"I'm not letting you fuck me on the living room floor, Dobrik," I murmur, although I'm not all too sure I'll go through with the statement. David's hips buck up against mine, a low grunt rolling past his lips, sending vibrations through my body. I bite my bottom lip, tugging lightly on his hair. "Fine, make it quick."

David snorts out a laugh, turning us both quickly so that he hovers over me, his hands capturing mine as his leg wedges between my thighs, nudging them apart. I'm completely out of breath by the time he tugs my thin cami over my head, my veins buzzing with anticipation. 

"Oh! God!" Natalie's voice rings out clear against the heavy panting in the living room, my eyes snapping up to meet her's. A horrified expression on her face as she turns around, guilt and embarrassment flood through my body. "I'm sorry!"

I rush to tug my shirt back on, swatting David's arm as he rocks back on his heels, adjusting the fabric of his shirt as he chuckles. "Fuck you, this isn't funny," I hiss, glaring at the boy. "Natalie!" I call after the girl, standing up and shoving David away from me. "I'm so sorry," I shout.

Natalie mumbles an incoherent acceptance of my apology from further down the hall, my hands on my hips as I turn around to glare at David, who has a light smirk on his lips. "She'll be home in an hour, my ass," I grumble, wrapping my arms around the boy to pull him in for a hug.

"I love you," David chuckles, kissing the top of my head gently. I smile and despite my embarrassment, kiss the boy on the cheek. 

"Mhm," I murmur, my eyes meeting his. "I love you too."


so like is smut something u want to be in this story because if so i'll write it but if i not i won't. i feel like i write smut really awkwardly and not very good, but if it's something u guys want to read i'll try my best. x

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