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"Baby, can I have a bite?"

Lorelei's voice is sugar sweet and breaks me from my thoughts as my eyes snap up to meet hers from across the table, her head propped up on her fist as her elbow rests against the tabletop, next to her empty plate. She offers me a sweet, innocent smile, her brown eyes seemingly glowing under the natural light that leaks into the kitchen from in between the curtains. "What?" I ask, too lost in thought to process what she said until a moment passes. I look down at my plate and then over to hers, my eyes widening at how fast she'd managed to eat her breakfast. "No, you had your own. Should've made more."

She narrows her eyes, huffing a sigh past her parted lips. A smile tugs across my mouth and I push my plate an inch or two towards her. "Only a small bite," I say, watching as she grins. Her hand wraps around her fork, stabbing into the half-eaten waffle on my plate.. I watch with curious eyes as she lifts the utensil to her mouth, a smile on her lips. "You're so cute," I say, grinning as her eyes meet mine.

"Shut up," Lorelei says, giggling quietly as she puts her fork down. I roll my eyes, unable to drag my gaze away from her. "Don't stare at me when I eat. Makes me feel weird." I don't look away, my smile only widening at her words. She looks as beautiful as ever, her tan skin illuminated by the sunlight. She takes a sip of her orange juice and releases a quiet, content sigh. "I'll fight you," She threatens, tone playful.

"You're tiny, Lor. You're not exactly intimidating," I say, tilting my head to the side.

"Not intimidating?" Lorelei questions, raising a brow. I nod my head in confirmation, laughing as she flicks up her middle finger at me. "I love you," She says, after we sink back into comfortable silence, her fork casually scraping against my plate as she eats away at my waffle.

I nod my head again, grinning as she eats. Her appetite is seemingly endless recently, which amuses me beyond belief as she typically eats so little. Lorelei's hand wraps around her glass of orange juice, ring catching the light. Her eyes follow mine down to the piece of jewelry, smile pulling across her pink lips. "You like it?" I ask, gesturing to the ring.

"Love it," She answers. "Love you."

"I love you, too," I reply, smiling as she finishes off the waffle. She stands up, wiping her hands off on her leggings and picking up her plate, legs carrying her towards the sink. My eyes follow her figure as she rinses the plate in the sink, humming quietly as she moves to put the dish in the dishwasher.

I stand up and make my way into the living room, settling in on the couch next to Astley. The small dog nestles up into my side, nudging at my leg with his wet nose. I rest a hand on his head, rubbing between his ears as I flicker through channels on the television, not particularly interested in anything on. "Do you want to watch a movie?" I ask, glancing over my shoulder as Lorelei enters the living room, a bottle of water in her hand. She pops a pill between her lips, muttering something under her breath about her stomach hurting as she settles down on the couch beside me.

"Sounds good," She says, stretching her legs out on top of mine. I playfully nudge her, switching onto Netflix and passing Lorelei the remote. She scrolls around for a few minutes before settling on a romantic comedy that she's already watched hundreds of times. "My stomach hurts," She whines, as the movie starts to play.

I glance over at her, huffing out an exhale as I pat my lap. "Come here," I call, smiling as Lorelei inches towards me. My arms wind around her middle, resting on her stomach underneath the soft fabric of her shirt. "Don't eat so much next time," I whisper, kissing the shell of her ear. She'd gotten out of the shower only an hour before and her hair still smells of her shampoo, the scent of coconut clouding my senses.

"Yeah, yeah," Lorelei mumbles, tilting her head back to press a kiss to my jaw. She kisses the skin there again, and then once more before she presses a soft kiss to my lips. "I love you," She mumbles, when she finally pulls away, a soft sigh rolling past her lips. "So much."

"I love you, too," I reply, my eyes drifting over to the television. Lorelei adjusts her position, leaning her head back to rest on my chest. "You're my everything. You know that? It's like," I pause, chewing on the inside of my cheek as I try to find words. Nothing seems to be enough, nothing could ever be enough. Nothing can compare to this. "I don't know."

Lorelei giggles, the sound soft and melodious as she leans back to kiss me again. "I know," She whispers against my skin, her lips soft as she peppers gentle kisses all over my face. "I feel the same."


filler alert!!! also unedited,,, also big news next chap :0 also i can't believe that we've reached 60 chapters. it's so surreal to me that anyone actually enjoys my writing. i started writing just to get rid of stress and express my creativity or whatever, and it makes me so happy to see that you guys genuinely like reading this <3 ilysm you guys mean the world to me

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